stand stability


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alright so I hav a 55g which is 48" long, I have a 30g sump under it, now my question is with a stand, do you NEED middle supports, or can I just have some 2X4's on each corner for the support? This is what the stand looks like. Note that in each corner there are 2- 2X4's making it total of 4 for each side.
from what I understand as long as the four corners are supported the tank will be fine. the weight is distributed to the corners where the glass meets (hope i explained that right) lol
alright thats what I had though but wanted to make sure. I figured it would be much of a problem seeing that the tank really isnt that big. Thanks.....if anyone else has any comments on this, please chime in.
you should be fine without center brace. I custom built my stand for 156gal and milled the horizontals on a jointer which made them perfectly flat. That beening said after the tank was filled I noticed the corners were the only points of the tank touching. hope that made sense?
well I put the tank on the stand and water sand and rock is in there and all is good so far. I'm not so worried anymore, I think it'll be just fine.
thanks david, but I just used the stand as it was and it seems to be holding...for now, lol. You can see it here:"></a>

basically the 2x4's are shaped like an L then the top 2x4 is layed on top of that....dang that almost doesnt make any sense....hmmm maybe you'll understand, lol. At any rate I threw the front and back 2x4 that I took out on the sides as added support but actually do nothing. Once the whole stand is built with sides and whatnot I'm sure all the supports will be a tad stronger so I'm really not worried anymore. thanks for all the help guys!