Star polyps have closed up.

They're pretty hardy little buggers and I don't know that it's a sign of anything. It wouldn't hurt to run some tests and check on levels just to be sure. That's always my first action. One thing I can say about the GSP I have, - when it' disturbed it can take a surprisingly long time to open back up. Not sure why but the colony I have will close up when a crab crawls across it and will stay closed up for quite a while. I've even had the same thoughts you're having but it turned out to be nothing.
Well I did ramp up my wave pumps yesterday to get some of the east washed out of the crevasses. I’ll do tests tonight when I get home.

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Well I did ramp up my wave pumps yesterday to get some of the wast washed out of the crevasses. I’ll do tests tonight when I get home.

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I fragged mine 2 weeks ago and the bigger one just opened up today . All my corals do that really . Some for no reason seemingly
I think I might have the answer to why they closed up. I changed my wave patterns in my tank.
They just opened back up today!

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Also I did the usual test the night they closed up and today. Both were normal readings.

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