Steve's 180

I put screens over the 220 I had. All but just a small area by the return was covered. Come home one day to find a wrasse dead on top of the screen. Had to bounce off a light and land right in the middle and died looking at the water below.

Is the angle enough so when they flop around they've got a better chance of getting back to the water?
At four and a half months, I think I've been very patient. But I've run out of patience, I'm starting to add coral, so I've fired up the LEDs, mostly blues, at a max of 25% to start.
Dang 4 months!! I added corals less than a month after. Keep your parameters balanced and you should be fine. Also, I use aminos in the beginning until about a year in to help with the low nutrients you’ll be facing.
Dang 4 months!! I added corals less than a month after. Keep your parameters balanced and you should be fine. Also, I use aminos in the beginning until about a year in to help with the low nutrients you’ll be facing.
Im lucky if i make it 2 weeks without adding coral
I made it a little over 3 months on my 1st system. Shooting for the same on the new one. But I'll have coral in the QT systems.
Two months after adding the Powder Brown and Blue Regal, that were quarantined together, the mirrors are no longer keeping the PB off the Regal, he is constantly trying to kill him. I think i prefer to keep the PB so I'll have to trap him and move to another tank until I can trap the Regal. Crossing my fingers.
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That sucks Steve. I have a pretty big fish trap you’re welcome to borrow. It’s all the way over in Acworth is the bad part.
I have no idea how I missed this entire thread! Wow Steve! Can’t wait to come see it!
I've got some free time, just holler, I'll be your hands and legs
Not to take anything away from Steve at all but he is putting an existing system back together in his house with some additional wiring and floor support and you are building an entire 500 gallon room and system from scratch. Can hardly compare your build times. I agree Steve has been lightening fast though!
I have one too.

If it is too big a pita I also have barbless hooks. Small piece of nori on there and the aggressive one will be easy to snach out. Figure that's a last resort, but it's still an option.
@Adam is obviously having fishing withdrawals. If I ever locate that six line you can come over and try some micro tackle in my refugium
@Adam is obviously having fishing withdrawals. If I ever locate that six line you can come over and try some micro tackle in my refugium

We catch brim and sunfish around blocks for bait using this method. Also catch blueback herring with sabiki rigs in the summer. Herring are as big as medium to large wrasses.

I know most everyone will not want to do this with their fish at home. When all other methods fail this may be the last option before tearing down the entire rockscape.
Time to update I guess. Powder Brown has been in timeout in the sump for a month now, good thing he's still small. The uglies have showed up too, when I went out of town a month ago the skimmer went crazy, my tank tender brother didn't know how to dial it in so I had to let it recycle into the tank for two weeks. With nothing being pulled out hair algae cropped up pretty bad, I've tried to brush off and remove as much as I could during the last two water changes but not much progress. Back to dosing NOPOX to get nitrates and phosphates back down. Didn't read real high because the algae is grabbing it I believe. Last reading was @ 20 nitrate and .32 phosphate. I've got a plan for the algae, waiting on an 8' hose for my canister filter so I can suction continuously while brushing the rocks, returning the water back to the tank. Just can't get much out trying to do that with a water change. At 7 months now.
Dang that’s some high phosphates! You think maybe run some gfo so slow things down a bit ?