stocking a 65 gallon


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I am thinking of upgrading to a 65 gallon tank (36w 18d 24t). I will be moving what live stock I have now over. I have a scopas tang, one clown, one chromis, and a dragon goby. I would like to add some thing that will get a little larger. I would really like a blue or powered brown tang but dont know it they will have enough swimming room. Any ideas would be great.
I think a 65 gal tank would be too small for 2 tangs or even 1 Powder Blue tang. I would rather get another clown or at least get a pair.
So if there is no tang I can put in the tank what would be some other options of fish with a lot of color and good size. I am not a big fan of wrasses But any thing else I would like to hear about
I dont know, I am just not really a big fan of the looks of wrasses I dont know why. There are some that I like but they all seem to be the $150 ones.
Anthias don't jump..They are hard to feed and a little shy, but not that bad. As for wrasses, well thats because you are looking at the really colorful ones. The 30-40 bucks on from liveaquaria are very decent.
Yeah I just dont care to have one. I am looking for something else I cant tell you why but I dont want a wrasse I like the shape of Tangs and other fish more.
How bout a flame angel or a coral beauty angel. Both get descent size and are beautiful.
do you have any problem with your coral beauty or flame angle nipping at your coral?
do you think I could do one of these,"></a>
If I got it small and put it and the scopas in the new tank at the same time? Or should I just give up on adding another tang. If they have different body types and colors they should not get after each other too much right?
i've heard good things about tomini tangs in smaller aquariums, although the tang police might say otherwise.