Stocking/Restocking Help


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I have an established (2.5yrs) 29gal Biocube.  Currently mated pair clownfish, have laid eggs several times (1 is 2.5 inches, other 1.5 in) and been in tank for a while.  Tank has sandbed, live rock, corals and inverts.  A few months back I had a yellow corris wrasse and tailspot blenny die all in one week, no water/tank issues.  I assumed it was the large female clownfish that beat them up, could never tell.  Last month I added a kupang damsel since I was worried about aggressive clowns....He has been perfectly fine, no issues.  My question is I really want to add a yellow watchman goby and pistol shrimp.  Can/should I add them or first get rid of the damsel?  Or the the clowns and damsel and start over?

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Generally female clowns are territorial especially when they are laying eggs.  So in most cases any fish near their size or even larger will get nipped when they live in a tightly confined space.  As far as the goby and pistol shrimp pair you shouldn't have any issues at all since they will stay close to their cave they have dug out.  Once the clownfish comes anywhere near the goby he will dive into the cave with the pistol shrimp.   I hapen to love goby / pistol shrimp pairs (I have three of them) as they are very entertaining.
I have an extremely aggressive clown (has literally jumped out of my tank to bite me) and my goby/shrimp pair have never had any issues. Granted my tank is much larger but I would think they would be OK.
You should be fine. I have a large and aggressive clarkii and the goby does his best to protect the shrimp and when it gets too intense, they both vanish under the rocks.