Suggestion for March Power buy


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<div class="gc_ifarem_title">YouTube- tank long</div><iframe style="width: 70%; height: 400px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto" src=""></iframe>
Dont know who makes the official call, but that sounds like a winner here !!
I don't need any, but if the price is right I would stock up on a couple or four.
Sprayin70 wrote: I wonder if we could make this a total light buy. MH, PC, T-5 etc...

Didn't we try that several months ago, but it was too complicated? I think it had to be restricted to T5's.

Anyways, sign me up for one single ended 250W 14K.
I think this is a great idea! The sponsor page lists all contact info... see if you can find anyone interested in giving us a deal. Feel free to shop around as well. Once you have someone confirmed, I'll send out a mass email and make an announcement at the next meeting and start collecting money thru the club's PayPal account...

(you didnt know "suggestion" meant "volunteer" did you? :shades: )

and seriously, if you'd like generic guidelines on how we've done PowerBuy's in the past, feel free to contact me. :)
Did I hear someone VOLENTEER?

I thought I ask here, since we are talking about MH.

How often does one need to change out their light?

I think I had mine running about 6-8 months now and it running around 8 hours a day.
Should they need change out soon?
Well, depending on who you talk to, the range goes from 8-12 months for replacement. Some even do it every 6 months.

So, I split it and will do mine around 10 months.

I'd say you are ready for bulb replacement.
I would suggest we keep to bulbs only. I'll ask when contacting but at some point if you throw eerything in you begin to lose the power buy as it gets to complicated for the vendors.

I'll work on something to send the sponsers this week and send a request to some this weekend. If anybody else wants to help feel free to volunteer:)
I've been talking with Alan (sprayin70) and he's agreed to take on responsibility of being the ARC Sponsor Coordinator. You can use him as your contact point and me as a secondary. I love to see PowerBuys/GroupBuys go thru and love it even more when we see more members willing to help put things together. Way to step up and be a team ARC!!! Keep up the good work...
Thanks glad to help out. You can contact me through email. If you have any suggestions or questions please drop me a line.
I have drafted an email to send to sponsers but that's it. been super busy at work. I'll try to get it to them this week.
tsciarini wrote: I've been talking with Alan (sprayin70) and he's agreed to take on responsibility of being the ARC Sponsor Coordinator. You can use him as your contact point and me as a secondary. I love to see PowerBuys/GroupBuys go thru and love it even more when we see more members willing to help put things together. Way to step up and be a team ARC!!! Keep up the good work...

I just wanted to remind everyone that I am on the ball! I already have a power buy set up for next month. I will post it in a few weeks. Please feel free to pm or email me if you have any suggestions or comments."></a>

Sprayin70 wrote: I just wanted to remind everyone that I am on the ball! I already have a power buy set up for next month. I will post it in a few weeks. Please feel free to pm or email me if you have any suggestions or comments."></a>


Alan, can you let us know what next month's is going to be? I would hate for someone else, or myself for that matter, buy something now and find out in a couple weeks that we are having a powerbuy for the same thing.

Thanks again for stepping up and helping all of us out by being the go-to guy for powerbuys. :up: