Suggestions on next fish purchase?


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I have a 55G "wanna be" reef tank with LPS/SPS and a few zoanthids. It also has a clean-up crew of blue legs and snails. Currently the tank has one swimmer (pseudocromis). I am looking for a new fish to add to the tank, but my problem is that the pseudocromis is one mean SOB. My last attempt of adding fish was the addition of 3 velvet damsels. He took out all 3 faster than I could get them out of the tank!!! My very last attempt at livestock was a cleaner shrimp that the pseudochromis made a meal out of in about 15 minutes flat. So that being said, I am looking for suggestions for a fish that can hold it's own, invertebrate/reef safe, and won't outgrow the 55G. I know that's alot of restrictions, but that is why I am asking for suggestions. :)
Thanks in advance.
You're best bet is to remove the pseudo... Due to their natural territoriality they should be one of the last fish you ever add, not the first :). In fact, I believe some of them are quite stunning but I would never add one to my tank due to their aggressive tendencies.

If you must add something to hold its own, perhaps a large lionfish :). J/k, seriously get that fish out of there, you don't want to add fish that are more aggressive than those lil beasties.
Yep, to add more fish you'll probably have to remove the pseudocromis. I have one in my 72 gal, and I know I'll never be able to add another fish (which stinks, b/c I just lost my watchman goby.)
Once you get rid of that terror, my vote would be some flasher wrasses and a fairy wrasse or two for a tank that size, and maybe a flame angel (add last--and they somethimes munch on SPS polyps).
Everyone is confirming what is was thinking, but this little guy has been with for over a year and I tend to get attached to my critters regardless of how hateful they can be. :) He was actually the last (of three added), but over the last year he suddenly decided he disliked one of his tankmates and the other went carpet surfing while I was at work last week. I guess it's time to setup my first nano for this guy.
olds350racer;59962 wrote: I guess it's time to setup my first nano for this guy.

Sounds like he earned his solitary confinement....
If u have a sump throw the pseu in there this is what i had to do to my lawnmower blennie as he bit the heads off 4 of 5 damsels within 3hrs of me putting them in there, i was informed on arc after the problem that if i put him in my sump for about 2 weeks then back in the display (after adding fish of your choice) that the display tank will be like a new home again and wont be the leader of his domain anymore...just my 0.00974537 cents.

jeep9783;60063 wrote: If u have a sump throw the pseu in there this is what i had to do to my lawnmower blennie as he bit the heads off 4 of 5 damsels within 3hrs of me putting them in there, i was informed on arc after the problem that if i put him in my sump for about 2 weeks then back in the display (after adding fish of your choice) that the display tank will be like a new home again and wont be the leader of his domain anymore...just my 0.00974537 cents.


lol ur 0.00974537 cents.