Sump Build Question


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Getting ready to build me a new sump. Is there a "standard" of how far a part the baffles should be when you are doing the under / over baffles? Thanks.
yes...I use 3/4 " to 1" this is because this design works like a trap to bubbles and other small particles but yet still allows full flow of water without any backpressure. any smaller can cause problems and make it actully give you more micro bubbles. if its much larger its not as efficient as a trap. good luck hope this helps.
Good question! I'm picking up the glass pieces I had cut for mine tomorrow morning and am going to try 1" apart although I'm not sure how the caulking will go. I may go a little wider.
I use 1" it also makes a good place to set your heaters
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Barbara;122175 wrote: That's pretty clever Jeff! My heater's in my return chamber. See it behind the return pump? My baffles are closer to the 3/4 size.
I love the look of your sump! You're in Woodstock? I am, too!
Barbara;122190 wrote: What part of Woodstock? Where do your kids go to school? Mine are in the Boston, ET Booth, Etowah district.
My dd is at Etowah and my ds is at Chapman... I'm in Towne Lake. You can't be far from me!
I read somewhere about making the first gap larger with a eggcrate shelf so that you could lay bags of charcoal or anything else you wanted and that would put it in the flow. I thought that this was a pretty neat trick. Has anyone tried this?
yeah I tried it with poor results..I found that a) the charcoal bags just became nitrate pools. b) that water will just begin to flow around them and you get to much bypass....If you want to use charcoal effectivly I suggest a canister filter or something of the like...thats designed to force water through it.....of course this is just my opinon and Im sure others will be different.
OK folks question. Once you place the 1st baffle will it not be impossible to caulk both sides of the 2nd baffle since the are so close together?
What I did was put the middle baffle in, then I marked the glass with a scripto pen where the silicon is going to be. I then ran a line of silicon along the line, I placed the baffle into the silicon. I used a long thin piece of pvc to smooth the silicon against the baffle. I then siliconed the outside of the baffle. I did the same for the other side. It worked pretty good.
Wait til march to build your sump. Specifically, wait until after March 11.:shades:
here is my idea for my new sump. the refugium is on the other side so i can control the water flow into it. there will be a float switch on top of the return for adding cal and alk daily
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I cut two small peices of acrylic that are 1" tall and about 2" wide. I then silicon them to the glass where my baffles will be. It creates a brace for the middle baffle so it can never fall and allows for easy drying and spaces the end baffles perfectly.
Thanks Cameron. You said 1 inch tall and 2 inches wide. Does that mean that you space your baffles 2 in a part?
I run three baffles. One over, one under and one over. The center baffle sits right in the middle of the brace so their is 1" on either side of it. If you are only doing two baffles with 1", you could do a 1" x 1" piece maybe adding on a little to the width. If you wanted to fit three baffles in 3/4" it would be 1.5" x 0.75".
Cameron I picture it now. Here is my plan. Let me know if you see a flaw.

1st Compartment drain pvc and skimmer. I will do an over under over.
2nd compartment will have sand and macro etc (fuge). Then an over under.
3rd compartment will be the return pump.
Personally, I think you only need one divider and no baffle between the 1st to 2nd compartment. Trapping bubbles isn't a big deal there and most microbubbles will pop just from going over the divider and none will likely make it through the fuge and through the next baffle. I think you only need one baffle between the fuge and return sections.
Hey I used acrylic from Lowes and had them cut it. If you click on "Home" here and read the thread on TOTM there is a picture of my sump at the end.