Sump / Fuge Build. Suggestions Needed!

i'll have to learn how to draw on this thing.

Basiclly adding a divder with egg create on the bottom. So when water spills over the from the skimmer section, it hits a small splash plate ( which is 3" above the egg create), and drips through carbon, floss, GFO... Try to make it so the carbon is below your normal sump water level. I've never needed a baffles for bubbles this way but...
I would run as much water (all if possible) to the skimmer side and let the skimmers output feed the fuge. You will end up with much less crud in the fuge and not be feeding non skimmed water back to the tank.

Just a thought.

Thanks Jonathan
So...I just want to make sure I understand. I only know from research.I have no first hand knowledge of this. What you say makes sense...but there is an argument for NOT filling your fuge with only skimmed water. Also...correct me if I am wrong, all the water entering the skimmer chamber does not all go through the skimmer anyway.So reguardless, you are feeding non skimmed water back into the main tank.

Are you suggesting somehow sending water directly from the skimmer over to the fuge? Or by a separate pump in that chamber?
Thanks! put my two cents in...your right about that the skimmer section only utilizes a percenatgage of the water that runs thru it...however, remember that this is a process..or better yet a cycle. and so its a long term water treatment plant. With that said, I gotta agree with jonathon about the debris in the fuge ....I have my skimmer set up in order of flow...Skim-return -fuge with the main flow first going into the skimmer, and overflowing into the fuge.both of these flow into the center return. And remember ...there is a couple of ways to make this system run, so nothing is wrong, its just what is the most effective.
Remember that the highest concentration of muck is on the surface of the water. "Sheeting" this water into the overflow in itself is an excellent skim function. Giving this to the skimmer first can keep the sump cleaner in the long haul. There really isn't a wrong answer. Barbara touched on the sump flow factor and I agree completely. There is no need to push everything to its max flow rating (Not that you are) as so many others try to do. Run this puppy at around 400-500 gph max and let some powerheads do the heavy lifting.

What skimmer are you going to use?
Can it be fed directly from the overflow?

jade76;163802 said:
....I have my skimmer set up in order of flow...Skim-return -fuge with the main flow first going into the skimmer, and overflowing into the fuge.both of these flow into the center return.

I would like to see a pic of your set up. Sound similar to what I have diagramed.
valas;163819 wrote: Remember that the highest concentration of muck is on the surface of the water. "Sheeting" this water into the overflow in itself is an excellent skim function. Giving this to the skimmer first can keep the sump cleaner in the long haul. There really isn't a wrong answer. Barbara touched on the sump flow factor and I agree completely. There is no need to push everything to its max flow rating (Not that you are) as so many others try to do. Run this puppy at around 400-500 gph max and let some powerheads do the heavy lifting.

What skimmer are you going to use?
Can it be fed directly from the overflow?


Push sump flow to the max? I guess its just a guy thing right? Crank it up!!! I dont know if I am...but I had just naturally intended to. I will be returning the water here with a mag 9.5. I have a couple of Tunze 6025's coming as well. My guess is that is probably pushing it a bit...I dont know.

ASM G3 skimmer. Just took it out of the box Monday. I beleive I have seen a post or two about a mod to run the drain directly into the skimmer. Recirc. mod? I dunno...Thats a little much for me right now. I would prefer to use it as is...for now anyway.

Hmm. So I guess ideally, in a perfect scenario, you would want to feed your fuge with a combination of water directly from the main tank,as well as skimmed water...but with a slow flow.

I dont remember seeing one of those at Melevs :) . Maybe we got a new one for him.

Thanks all for you input...keep em coming!
Hey BASSCYN check out the link to my 29G Sump I built on the exact same idea you are talking about. I actually planned to run a dual overflow with one running to the Fuge and the other to the skimmer with the Middle section being my return. You could just as easily T off from a single overflow and add a ball-valve to control the amount of overflow going to the fuge side.

My Sump -
Here is my sump..The main reason why I chose my skimmer at the end and the return section at the farthest opposing end is Mainly to prevent micro bubbles. Once you get micro bubbles, you will realize the frustration. I placed the refugium in the middle right after the skimmer with some Macro to help eliminating some nutrients that the skimmer missed. Excuse the crude drawing. :D You can choose to have either an internal or external pump depending on your equipment.
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LukeStimp;163898 wrote: Hey BASSCYN check out the link to my 29G Sump I built on the exact same idea you are talking about. I actually planned to run a dual overflow with one running to the Fuge and the other to the skimmer with the Middle section being my return. You could just as easily T off from a single overflow and add a ball-valve to control the amount of overflow going to the fuge side.

My Sump -"></a>[/QUOTE]

Yeah...thats pretty much the way I am going to place the baffles. I am still curious about your pluming. I thought of splitting off the dual overflow as you suggest. (one down line going to the skimmer and the other to the fuge?) But that too seems like too much flow for the fuge. But ta valve would take care of that...Hmm.
purpleGORILLA;163899 wrote: Here is my sump..The main reason why I chose my skimmer at the end and the return section at the farthest opposing end is Mainly to prevent micro bubbles. Once you get micro bubbles, you will realize the frustration. I placed the refugium in the middle right after the skimmer with some Macro to help eliminating some nutrients that the skimmer missed. Excuse the crude drawing. :D You can choose to have either an internal or external pump depending on your equipment.

Thanks PG. Hey...are the bubble traps not effective? I assumd with the baffle confiuration I would not have to worry about bubbles.
She has been up and running now for a few weeks. As you can see I did decide to put the return in the middle and tee off to the fuge. i like the control. I am still considering teeing off the drain line to the fuge as well. We'll see.

Just put in the aragonite last week. Seeded it with a little from the DT and a little of Victors chaeto (thatnks Vic). Already seeing some tiny life

Couldnt have done it with out the ARC. A lot of the advice I received is built in here.

How do you like my skimmer art:yes: ?

Thanks all!
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Yes...I have been snooping around a little for one of those. Dont fully understand how they work. I assume a float switch of somekind is placed at a particular level in the tank. When it drops below that point...water is pumped in. Like a toilet? Looks like a DYI project. I need to see one in action.