I'm finally in the process of setting up my 65 gallon DT. Over the past years I have acquired some equipment and now that I am heavy into the research I have several questions regarding the sump and skimmers I have acquired. My goal is to have corals with a few fish. I figured I would put these questions in the same thread since they kind of go hand in hand.
I have attached a picture of my sump. It is 36"x18"15". It's sort of hard to tell but the sump has been divided into 3 equal sections by using two 5" tall baffles. From all of the research I have been doing this does not seem to be an optimal configuration. I'm mainly worried about micro bubbles making to the DT and I am sure there are other things I may need to be worried about to. Could I modify this sump to reduce micro bubbles and possibly add a refugium or should I just "start over" and get another sump?
I have also attached a picture of the 3 skimmers that I have which are...
- Turboflotor 1000 stand alone
- Red Sea Berlin
- Precision Marine cv626 (I think)
I plan on running my skimmer in sump and was wondering if either of these stands out from the others or are they junk and I'm better off purchasing a different brand?
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I have attached a picture of my sump. It is 36"x18"15". It's sort of hard to tell but the sump has been divided into 3 equal sections by using two 5" tall baffles. From all of the research I have been doing this does not seem to be an optimal configuration. I'm mainly worried about micro bubbles making to the DT and I am sure there are other things I may need to be worried about to. Could I modify this sump to reduce micro bubbles and possibly add a refugium or should I just "start over" and get another sump?
I have also attached a picture of the 3 skimmers that I have which are...
- Turboflotor 1000 stand alone
- Red Sea Berlin
- Precision Marine cv626 (I think)
I plan on running my skimmer in sump and was wondering if either of these stands out from the others or are they junk and I'm better off purchasing a different brand?
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