Sun Coral help


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3 days ago I noticed whe nthe sun coral retracted you could see white parts of the skeleton, well I have still been feeding it and it is still eating but everytime I feed it my sleeper goby picks the shrimp out of the corals mouth. I think this might be the reason I am seeing the white skeleton, does anyone have any suggestions? All the other corals and fish seem fine.
You may need to make a protective shield for feeding time to make sure it gets to eat. Tupperware container with some holes for flow attached to the end of a turkey baster or some other way of delivering the food.
I have used those in the past but it is in a cave now and it is impossible to do that now, I use a childs medicine dropper to target feed it.
Just an update I just got finished feeding it and it ate a whole cube of m. shrimp dipped in selcon, it looks great when it is inflated with tenacles out but looks kinda bad when they r in. Im just gonna monitor it for a couple of more days.
OK 1 more update here are a few pics I took just a few mins ago. It was inflated more but I forgot the flash was on and it went back in some so the pics arnt that great but here they are none the less.

Yeah its tough with most LPS...they ate too darn slow. Just feed this guy often and he should be ok. Just remember to try and feed every polyp, they are not connected to the colony as a whole...all separate.
Feed it at night when the goby is in bed or early in the morning. Only thing you'll need to worry about are inverts. If you drop in a pellet or 2 for whatever star, shrimp or hermits you may have the heads on the sun coral will open up after a few minutes of sensing food and be eager to accept whatever you through at it. Best of all you have an excuse to mess with the tank while the lights are out