Sun coral


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I have had one for awhile that I grew from a few heads to around 30 and then my green brittle ripped the heads off after a feeding one night. I placed the half of a head left in my planted tank and it grew to about 20. I feed it every other night. The reason for this post is all the polyps have jumped off of their base rock and are now single seperate polyps all in my rubble bed. They have been seperate and unattached now going on 2 months, but still open up fully and expect food after I feed the firefish. All params are fine, but I do have quite a few bristle worms that may have aggrevated them for food and caused the leap.
Just wondering if anyone has ever heard of a sun coral fragging itself before and living healthy? May try to glue them to small rubble in the next month if they don't attach themselves. Any imput appreciated
No joke. I have been calling guys all week that have delt with these corals for years and we are all stumped. Only conclusion is me seeing a bristle worm crawl into one and steal it's food. And I do mean into. There are alot in the planted tank with no predators. Probably gonna steal some of the wife's pantyhose and set a trap to get a few dozen out. Til then gonna keep feeding. Maybe pawn off a frag to someone with a more pest free tank to try their hand at this experiment
Need pix :)

New one for me too. Tagging along to see what happens.

OK, I'm in.......

I've seen feather dusters abandon ship in favor of a sand bed, but never a sun coral..

Will work on it. Gotta get someone over here with a camera.
Just fed them again tonight. Still hungry but still amazed at how they unattached from each other and bailed.
BULLSHARK13;372058 wrote: how do you go about making this>?
Just use the foot or sock part and throw a shrimp or silverside in it at night. In the AM you will find them trapped by their own bristles in the hose. If ya have a spare 10g laying around put a coral banded shrimp in it and give him a free lunch.