Super loud durso drain system...should I try a herbie setup?


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Newnan GA
I'm in the building process of my 210gal tank and just recently got it all plumbed and found it to be SUPER loud as the drains dump in the sump (super turbulent air/water mix going on). It was a used 210gal all glass brand tank I bought that came with 2 AGA mega overflows
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Two holes in each overflow
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I am using an Eheim 1262 return pump (not tee'd off anywhere) and I have about 6ft of height from the floor to the tank; so I'm probably at what 700gph in the tank?

My drain lines are 1.25in spa flex. One goes straight down and the other has a T and a valve that drains some into the separate fuge area.

My drains in the overflow boxes are dead silent and constant water levels but the drains in the sump are crazy loud and filled with micro and big bubbles.

I'm guessing my two mega flows can't handle 700gph of flow without creating a turbulent flow? I tried to regulate the amount of air going into the megaflows by partial capping the holes on the top with my fingers but it didn't seem to do much good; cover them too much and I got surging and if just partially covered it didn't make much (if any) difference.

Should I give up on the durso and try a herbie style setup (one full siphon and one backup)? Or are their some other options to stop the turbulent cascading into the sump?

I understand with the herbie style that I would use a gate/ball valve on the main drain to regulate the flow...would this have any benefit on my current durso setup to try to minimize the excess air in the lines or would it just create surging?

So yay or nay on a herbie setup?" alt="" />


...oh I can't do a bean animal since my tank is flush against the wall :sad:

Edit: Forgot to add my drain lines in the sump are underwater. I tried them out of the water, through a sock, against the glass, inside a 4"pvc pipe with holes drilled in it, all to no avail...
A herbie will quiet it down dramatically. That's what I did with my 150 and any new tanks will all be herbie or BA overflows.
Im planning on a Herbie conversion tonight on mine... So I would have to vote yes
Here's the only crappy pic I have of my sump on my phone...

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Main drain area on the left. One T on the drain on the right that let's a little drain in the fuge area on far right.

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Edit: That tiny little hose in the pic is from the RO/DI; not part of the sump setup obviously.
Ok. So it drains to each corner of the sump, and returns from the center of the sump? No problems there...

Is that the normal operating level that your sump runs, or is it higher?
CedzAquAddiction;852868 wrote: Ok. So it drains to each corner of the sump, and returns from the center of the sump? No problems there...

Is that the normal operating level that your sump runs, or is it higher?

No it runs up level with the glass panes (it was still filling in that pic).

Both drains go to the fair left section with only a small trickle being T'd off from the right drain to the far right fuge area (the right drain line is sitting on top of the sump on the far left in that pic for some reason)

Sent by Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and Tapatalk 2

Edit: So if I were to change to a herbie style drain could I add the gate/ball valve to my drain on the right in that pic and still trickle drain a little into the fuge?

If that T and valve on the right side won't work for with the main drain for a herbie setup I will have to find a new way to get water into the fuge area....
Unless I'm missing it, I don't see a problem with your current setup....

One more question... How fast does the water run through your sump? Water should flow, but, not too fast through the sump. Possibly add a gate or ball valve to your return line from your pump to slow down the flow a little...
CedzAquAddiction;852886 wrote: Unless I'm missing it, I don't see a problem with your current setup....

One more question... How fast does the water run through your sump? Water should flow, but, not too fast through the sump. Possibly add a gate or ball valve to your return line from your pump to slow down the flow a little...

For some reason I have super loud drainage into the sump. I'm guessing the 700gph is too much for the drains to drain without the turbulent air/water mixture.

Any idea how much flow would have to be restricted from my eheim to stop the tremendously loud drainage?
Those drains should definetely be able to drain 700 gph. If I remember this tank correctly, there is a drain on both sides, right?

It'd be a cheap and easy test to add a valve and restrict your return. I believe only $3.00 at Home Depot or Lowes. It's good to have a valve there anyway. If your pump ever fails, or you are doing maintenance, it's good to be able to cut off the flow when needed...

I know one thing for sure. The faster my overflow goes, the louder it is everywhere (even if I am running under the recommended max flow)...
CedzAquAddiction;852890 wrote: Those drains should definetely be able to drain 700 gph. If I remember this tank correctly, there is a drain on both sides, right?

It'd be a cheap and easy test to add a valve and restrict your return. I believe only $3.00 at Home Depot or Lowes. It's good to have a valve there anyway. If your pump ever fails, or you are doing maintenance, it's good to be able to cut off the flow when needed...

I know one thing for sure. The faster my overflow goes, the louder it is everywhere (even if I am running under the recommended max flow)...

That's what I thought...What the heck?

Just to clarify its not a little loud; its super loud!
Yeah. Mine is loud too, but it's in a closet behind my tank, not under the stand. I never hear it until I go to the next room and open the closed door. :)

Keep us posted, Man... Best of luck!!!
Maybe I could unscrew the fitting from my return pump a little to lower the flow (basically let some blow out into the sump while maintaining most of the pressure going back to the tank) this would tell me how much the flow would have to be restricted to stop the crashing water sound (it it works at all).

If that worked I could just T the return off to the fuge area to reduce the flow going to the DT.

Sent by Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and Tapatalk 2
Super;852862 wrote: Im planning on a Herbie conversion tonight on mine... So I would have to vote yes

How are you doing yours?

Sent by Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and Tapatalk 2
Do I even need to run elbows if I were to setup a herbie standpipe? I have seen a lot people who just have a straight pipe and a strainer...anything wrong with that?

Also, I have my two drains in two separate overflow boxes does it matter that one box would have the main siphon drain and the other box would have the emergency dry drain (I guess what I am asking is do they have to be in the same overflow box as most of the setups I have seen have been)?
Nice twilight cup BTW! My wife has like 5 of those things!

They don't have to be in the same box but it makes things easier.
Curtismaximus;852904 wrote: Nice twilight cup BTW! My wife has like 5 of those things!

They don't have to be in the same box but it makes things easier.

Yeah that was my wifes lol. Hope she didn't mind me making it a "junk" cup now :up:
DavidinGA;852908 wrote: Yeah that was my wifes lol. Hope she didn't mind me making it a "junk" cup now :up:

Ha ha, two of my wife's has been donated to the cause also!