Swirl marks in acrylic tank....


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Welp, I'm kicking myself in the face repeatedly.:wow2: My acrylic tank that I bought has MASSIVE swirl marks in it. :boo:Looks like a poorly cared for black car that somone dried off with a towel if that helps. There are also scratches inside that I can feel with my finger.

I called Cap-bay today, they said approx $150 to buff out the entire tank.....****IT, I should have just spent another $50 and bought a brand new one. Oh well, first arcylic tank, I suppose I should have taken a flashlight and been more thorough:mad2::mad2::mad2:. Between the bubbles in the seams everywhere, and this, I think I should have just made my own, or bought one.

I'm buffed out many cars, so I understand the basics of what I think should be done.

Is this something that someone can attempt without professional instruction?

Anyone wanna buy a 50G cube tank, has some scratches...?:bash2:
You can get a buffing kit to buff out the scratches from the tank (which is the same thing CBA will use) and you will use it in the future.

Sorry for the bad experience, but that is the benefit of acrylic...it scratches easier, but you can get the scratches out.
trying to forget the tank was $250 + 150 to have it buffed = what a new one would cost, and I could go pick it up. (kicks self in face)

I guess I'll be buying some novus polish and breaking out the PC 7424 and seeing if I can't completely ruin it.

SOMEONE owes me some massive hook up on rock lol.
You can buy acrylic polishing kit from most fish stores for like 30 bucks which comes with everything that you need to buff it all out. It just requires some elbow grease. I can find out the brand if you need...it is the same stuff CBA uses.
Novus plastic polish? Plenty of that on ebay, novus 1,2 and 3, with cloths, $20 shipped.

Has anyone here actually done this before?

Something like this right? (sorry, can't find the edit button)
No... these kits include many different grades of sand paper (1500, 3000, 8000 grit, etc). They will buff the scratches out amazingly. I have used them with great success and they work rather quickly.

The reason you can't find the edit button is that is a feature that is only available to ARC members.
OK, gotcha. The guy at capbay today I spoke to made it sound like a week long affair.

Well hell, since I'll be here for awhile I guess I ought to join up then :)
I was wrong.... it is only $19.99
http://www.marinedepot.com/md_viewItem.asp?idproduct=RB1551">Marine Depot</a>

Who did you speak with at CBA?
Well, sign me up for that edit button :)

Have no idea who he was. Sounded like a young guy/kid ?

HA, I have it now lol. I should just keep up the multiple posting and bad spelling, you would GIVE me an edit button just so I could fix it.
LMAO... that is funny. I am glad that we have solved this situation. Sorry that the AWESOME tank you buought had a few scratches, but acrylic does scratch pretty easy.

:welcome: to ARC
Ehh...I wouldn't call it awesome just yet.....but there are plans. I'm just....picky at times.
So is the person you bought it from. can't wait to see pics of it being setup
Thanks Kevin. :)


Since this is your first experience with owning an acrylic tank, let me insure you that I've seen MUCH worse - and the tank's condition was not hidden or concealed in any way when you came over to see it. Acrylic tanks scratch far too easily, which is one reason why I don't plan to own one again. With that being said, I have no recollection of the "swirl marks" you speak of, nor any other significant scratches other than the one I showed you on the outside. I'm sorry for this misunderstanding, but I have to believe your concern can be fixed with a minimal amount of effort. I had no problems with this tank in the same state (and I am big into photography), but maybe my eyes aren't as good as yours!

I'm still looking forward to the setup! Please feel free to email me if you have any further concerns.
I think perhaps they are less evident when the tank is full. I'll take some pics of before and after the buffing.

btw, what kind of camera do you have? I picked up a D50 a few months ago and love it :)
Whoa go D50 I got one for my birthday and it rocks!!! amazing camera! We should start a D50 club!
I have a cheapo point-and-shoot camera - a Canon Powershot A95. BUT, I've learned what settings work best for underwater (or should I say "in tank") photos, so I can get some decent shots out of it still. Some of my pics are here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kaylas/">http://www.flickr.com/photos/kaylas/</a>

Very cool that you both have the D50... someday I'll pick up an SLR, I'm just waiting to win the lotto first. ;)