Tang advice needed


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I picked up a Hippo Tang from Ankur last week and I've had the fish in a separate tank for the past week with some other fish from Ankur's tank. This guy is a beast and feeds voraciously. This will easily be the largest fish in my 210 when I move them over, at over 5" long. It is a very aggressive eater at feeding time. My concern is that it may harass the small Chevron Tang when I move it to the 210. I also have a nice sized Yellow Tang that I need to move from my 55G to the new 210 as well. The Yellow will be slightly smaller than the Hippo and has been a peaceful fish in my 70G for the past year. I am looking for advice on how best to introduce these in to the 210. They are coming from two different tanks now, and I am thinking it would be best to introduce them together after lights are out in the 210. There is plenty of live rock and caves for retreat and hiding. I chose the Hippo and the Yellow because they are supposed to get along with the Chevron but this guy is so much smaller and docile that I am really reluctant to introduce the new tangs to the tank. Guess I am just looking for some advice and experiences. thanks, bob
I would introduce the smallest of all the fish first and after one week, add the next larger one. If for some reason you have to add a smaller and worry about harrassement. You can either add them at night, rearrange the rocks, or just let nature takes its course.

But hippo tangs are pretty wimpsy..Of all the tangs I have had..The yellow, and purple are the most aggressive.
Well.....I have 3 tangs (purple, male Naso, Regal or hippo) in a 135, I have had my Regal (dori/hippo) tang since '03 and she has moved houses with me at least three times, purple only for about 2-3 years, and the male Naso for about 1 year.
Also, I have 3 tangs in my 125 wall tank ( yellow, powder blue, and sailfin) as well. All about 2 years or less and added about the same time---and here's my experience.

The purple tang is probably the most aggressive (even at a small size).
Next up is the yellow or maybe even the sailfin.
Regal, powder, and Naso are all easy going...

I would be concerned about adding the yellow and the chevron tang together first. They both have the same shape/size(even if the chevron is smaller)...and are both equally aggressive IMO. I don't think it will be a problem in your size tank, but I would add these last for sure. The hippo would be first for me. I think you said the chevron is already in the 210, so I would add the hippo, then the yellow later.

Keep us posted as to how everything works out!
Thanks guys! This is my full list of tangs for the 210. I do think that the Hippo (due to it's size) will be a bit more aggressive than my Yellow which is smaller and has been pretty well behaved up to this point, albeit in a tank with not other tangs. I will take your advice and move the Yellow in last though and not move them at the same time. I watched the Hippo chasing the Sargassum Trigger in the 70G tonight, this guy is not shy when it comes to his food. Other than that, he leaves the other fish alone. I am hoping the 210 will give everyone enough "space" to get along after awhile. I'll probably wait another week before I try moving any one anyway.