So for some odd reason the heat was blasting today in the office, ok I'ld like to start off by sayin also that we have a crap load of computers in the office that do nothing all day except render and generate heat, so one would think that the heat would not need to be on in the office.....apparently my boss is cold blooded and needs heat to be above 80 all the time. Fortunately I dont think I lost anything important, there are two bleached corals but those were ones that for some odd reason I cant bring back, mind you everything in my tank now is growing like crazy. So freaked out I bought a Rancho single controller, ok I know people are going to moan at me about how I should have bought a RC or which ever device you can load all kinds of wires too, but I sat down and seriously though about it......I own a 15g tank.....thats it, nothing crazy or zaney like most people who have those super expensive controllers. Yes it would be nice to have it for the future, but I honestly dont see myself upgrading this tank, I mean, its at work and I'm kinda limited to space. The only timers I have on my tank are for the halide and the antitics, I have no fancy equipment that requires monitoring or what-not so i figured a 50 dollar shipped rancho would be a great step for me as of now, plus the fact that I dont have 250 to spend on a RC also was a big decision factor. So all in all I now have a temp controller and hopefully this redicilous high temp crap wont happen again.