Tank is cloudy

Seachem Reef Buffer. I've tried other brands, but I have found that Seachem works more consistently.

The buffer will raise pH and *stabilize* alk. Reef Builder (another Seachem product) will raise alk and *stabilize* pH.

I would use the buffer - I don't think it will adversely affect the alk.

Still cloudy. I added some seachem stabalize...we'll see what that does. Three of my acros have some STN on one of their branches. There is no trace of ammonia nitrate or nitrite. I've got new test kits and i had my LFS test to double check. I've got a power head sucking air in the display to keep the 02 up. I've got new carbon again today and a polly filter in the baffels in the sump. The skimmer is skimming wet. There is nothing more i can do but wait it out and keep my fingers crossed.
Geez man. That sucks. What is your calcium/ph at?
If you need anything that I may have over here (spare tank, etc) let me know and I will run it over to ya
Do you also get aggrivated when your tank is cloudy?? My tank gets cloudy because of my skimmer, and I get so mad. I don't know why. It is just so unappealing to me.
ph is 8.2 and cal is 470 mag is 1420, DKH is 9.2. Everything is fine. Just bacteria is infesting my tank and pissing everything off. I was told that this lasts 2-3 days. I hope to got it subside soon. I've got over a thousand in coral.
Need a big uv? I have a new one for the 180 the owner didn't want on it. It's a big gamma. Let me know and we can go get it.
something is causing that bacteria to bloom outta control.

I would do a major water change daily.
shut off your reactor for a little while, too. put your skimmer hose out the window as before. At least get one thing at a time fixed. Also, add some washing soda (sodium carbonate) or baked baking soda.
Check the skimmer cup and the drain plug on it for leaks. Just a shot in the dark. Let me know if you need that uv or water.
the skimmer is fine. Water changes is what brought on this bloom. My ammonia and nitrite are still 0. The carbon and the polly filter are keeping things clean. The bacteria is just going to have to run its course. My LFS has seen this many times before from people moving to a new tank. My problem was my water changes after the tank swap. I should have waited 2-3 weeks before a water change.

We'll see what happens. Thanks Keath for the offer but i dont want to kill the bacteria, i'll let it die on it's own. I've got alot of carbon and polly in there to take care of the dead. Like i said my results are 0 even with the low range salifert nitrate.
lol, the powerhead is to keep the 02 up for the fish and coral. The bacteria bloom in my tank is going to consume alot of 02 and i don't want my fish to die. That's not the reason why the tank is cloudy. I'm 100% certain it's bacteria bloom. Air bulbbles i don't mind, i wish the cloudyness was air bubbles.

Some of my acros have extended their polyps. Only two of them have a small amount of STN on their lower branches and they are both new to my tank. My ORA acroporas are happy.....ORA FTW.

PPE's are happy
Favias are happy and hungry
Tyree watermelon chalice is happy

i'm confident this will work itself out with little loss.