Tank reseal question


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Ok so I bought a tank from Bigchiquita the 135g and the tank is in awesome shape and he had it set up for the last couple of years with no leaks. When I was cleaning it I happened to notice in a couple places that the silicone on the inside of the tank in a couple places is pulling away from the tank. My question is for peace of mind can I just clean the old silicone off and reseal without pulling the panes of glass apart. I have read that most people most people recommend a full pull apart.
Yes if you are careful and just remove that silicon and do not cut the stuff between the panes. Then clean all seams real good and make sure no residual silicon is on glass. I usually use acetone for this cleaning process then use the blue painters tape and tape off both sides of the joint line. Run silicon and there are stainless tools made to do this but most of the time I just use my finger :). It will also help to dip your finger in a bowl of water so silicon will not stick to it. Just make sure and remove the blue tape if you go that route right after you tool it with finger/etc. If it was myself I would also probably do all the inside joints and not just where it's peeling up at.
That's good. I really wasn't looking forward to taking the glass panes apart. I had planned to do all seams but the top edge that connects to the trim.
lee.steffen87;931816 said:
That's good. I really wasn't looking forward to taking the glass panes apart. I had planned to do all seams but the top edge that connects to the trim.[/QUOTE

I would not do that edge either as it is a pain in the rear to remove that trim anyway. Just make sure that right before you silicon up to the top trim area you wipe the old silicon down real good with acetone and feather in the new silicon over the old stuff that is under the trim and you should be fine! Also forgot to mention that I would only use Momentive RTV 108 which is clear and I think RTV 103 is the black depending on what is already on the tank. It is the best stuff around and what was probably used to assemble the tank originally and the only thing I use for tank sealing & sump construction. You can order it from Mcmaster carr and is like $8 a cartridge and the part number should be 7545A472 for the clear.
Eric B;931840 wrote: You can order it from Mcmaster carr and is like $8 a cartridge and the part number should be 7545A472 for the clear.

I have read elsewhere that you may be able to pick it up from NAPA as well. I just purchased some RTV 103 (Black) from Amazon, but it was about $14 for a 10.1 ounce caulker tube and was prime eligible.
I just bought 2 tubes of this http://www.ebay.com/itm/221327366872?var=520200910210&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649">http://www.ebay.com/itm/221327366872?var=520200910210&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649</a>
I hope its ok.
lee.steffen87;931852 wrote: I just bought 2 tubes of this http://www.ebay.com/itm/221327366872?var=520200910210&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649">http://www.ebay.com/itm/221327366872?var=520200910210&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649</a>
I hope its ok.

Should be good to go. RTV is just know to have better adhesive properties, best for building since it has better adhesion. Your only concerned about sealing, so you should be good to go.
ghbrewer;931853 wrote: Should be good to go. RTV is just know to have better adhesive properties, best for building since it has better adhesion. Your only concerned about sealing, so you should be good to go.

I always thought RTV was specifically heat resistant (for cars and stuff)
JDavid;931858 wrote: I always thought RTV was specifically heat resistant (for cars and stuff)

RTV silicone isn't a brand, but rather an acronym for "Room Temperature Vulcanizing" silicone. i don't know a lot about the chemistry behind it, but my experience with Momentive's RTV 103 and 108 has been good. The first time I saw it used (RTV 108) was when my stepfather built a 200 gallon (36x36x36) freshwater aquarium. The tank was rock solid and the seal lasted for as long as we had the tank (4+ years). I have used it on other tanks through the years with no problems, albeit they were freshwater tanks.

In regards to SW use, I used it when I resealed my 58 gallon tank, and will be using it (RTV 103) to reseal/replace some of the silicone on my current build. I checked to make sure that it was SW compatible, and (from what research I have done) it seems to be the choice material of many SW tank builders and reef keepers as well.

Here is one of the threads that I read while doing my research:
Check out the post by uncleof6 near the bottom of the first page for more info on RTV silicones.

Seems that ASI, the manufacturer of the stuff that the OP bought, does have RTV silicone. Not sure if the stuff he bought was RTV or not, but should still work for his purposes nonetheless. I am pretty sure that any 100% silicone is fine for resealing as long as it is pure silicone and does not have any mold inhibitors or similar chemicals in it. Many won't use any silicone that doesn't say "aquarium safe" directly on the packaging, but it is getting harder and harder to find manufacturers that include that on their packaging, likely something to do with liability and such.