Tank support


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I currently have a 29 gallon standard aquarium on a custom stand that I built. I’ve done some research because I’m moving and I’m considering a JBJ 30 gallon. The only problem is that there will be approximately 3 inches hanging off the back side of my tank stand. I have considered getting a piece of plywood that would cover that 3 inch over hang and placing it on top of the current stand.  There wouldn’t be any other support under the plywood. Does this sound like a feasible solution, aesthetics aside.
I may do that Jon.  I didn’t finish the backside of the stand anyway.  It’s basically wrapped on three sides with maple connected to an overbuilt 2x4 frame.
if you do that, make sure it is exactly flat with the top of the stand. if it is lower then it is useless, if it is higher then you have trouble. perhaps attache it as close to level as possible and leave it a tad proud, then use a large course sanding block or even a hand plane to take it down to the the exact dimension.
I might be concerned about stability. With an overhang the center of gravity won't be centered on the stand.
I'm more worried about the proper support for the entire rear of the tank. The rear corners and back pane of glass need to be supported and level with the rest of the stand. If modified correctly it will do fine, it's not a ton of weight. Should be under 450# with rock and substrate.

With pics we can make a better recommendation.
Why risk it??? Just leave the 29 gal on the stand it’s on and build a new stand for the JBJ30! Not that expensive to build a new 2x4 stand for a 30,  it’s not worth rigging up your current stand and jeopardize the life your planning on putting in it. If you can’t afford to build a new stand then wait on that build.

Do it right one time...which is the first time
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Here is the stand.  It’s custom built by me.  All of the wood is it’s natural color.  Those are all book matched (resawn) species of wood.  I have at least 60 - 70 hours of work into the stand so I really don’t want to part with it.
If your already planning on there being overhang is it safe to assume the top isn't glued in place? If it's no its an easy fix.