Tank Upgrade Options: Help me think please ;)


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Hey All,

I am thinking about upgrading tanks and I have a couple of options. My current tank is a standard AGA 90.

Option 1: Custom made 60x30x20 (decided on 60 instead of 48)

Advantages</em> - I love the size!!! The depth will allow for some incredible aquascaping. I can customize my overflow and I was thinking of going with a coast to coast style Calfo overflow.

Disadvantages</em> - Ill incur a lot more cost b/c I may need new lighting. Currently I am running 6 48" (54w) Icecap T5's on two 660's. Over a five foot tank I think I would need to take a step up and get the 80w T5's. The 660's can only run 3 of the 80w bulbs at a time and with the extra depth I could easily fit another 3 bulbs and still have room for my powerbrites, moonlights, etc which means that I would likely need another 660 and Id be running a total of 720w.

The question here is at this point, is it worth just jumping into Halides - for another 168w I can have two four hundreds and two 80w T5's supplemental and for color and at that point I am only replacing 4 bulbs per year as opposed to 9.

One last question here is this: Could I stick with my current lighting and simply stagger the bulbs? Has anyone tried this, do you get a nice look?

Option 2: Marineland Marine Series 200 (48x36x27)

Advantages:</em> Awesome dimensions again and I can definitely stick with my current light set up since I stay within that 4ft length. Also, its a factory tank so no need to go out and have one made.

Disadvantages:</em> Not a big fan of the 27" height. My current tank is 24" and I think its a bit too tall. The 36" depth, while amazing, those 6 inches make a huge difference of how the tank fits in the room. 36" protrudes almost a bit too far. Also, forced into two corner overflows. Not necessarily a bad thing but then you can see inside the overflow from a side thats exposed and I am not a big fan of that.

Basically, it comes down to what I want to spend I know. But the main question is if you guys think that I can get away with using my current T5 4ft set up over the 5ft tank (btw, I can add two more 4ft bulbs to my icecaps right now for a total of 8 T5's) by staggering the lights, I think my decision becomes much easier because I dont have to worry about lighting so much. If so, Ill probably choose option 1.

Also, are there things I havent thought about?
One idea concerning corner overflows on the factory tank. What about simply acquiring some black acrylic and cut to fit the overflow to block the view into it from the side??

I have an acrylic 60 x 30 x 24 aquarium that I'm slowly setting up. Love the dimensions but I'm stuck on coming up with a big sump. Acrylic is rather expensive.
Option 1 all the way....27" is a lot to reach into....and seeing you're almost a midget, that wouldn't be good. Don't get me wrong, 36" depth is amazing, but just not worth the height of the tank. The lighting is a toss up... Good reflectors for this would be the LA's ....not LB's. Run 400's in there and you should be set. You could keep your current setup and see how well it does with lighting the tank...can always add to it further down the road. At 20" depth, you can have anything you want with either of those light setups. I'd consider stepping up to the 80W bulbs....unless you stagger like you say, it works....maybe not as well as a solid bulb, but as long as light is getting into the tank and to the corals, thats the main goal.
Jgoal55;354482 wrote: Also, forced into two corner overflows. Not necessarily a bad thing but then you can see inside the overflow from a side thats exposed and I am not a big fan of that.

Bro, I told you about my exp. with not being able to see in the overflow....it's a HUGE plus to see whats going on in there. Besides, you can always construct a little cover for them so you don't see them.
about the overflows....I know you told me about the whole seeing into them thing but since Ill be building my own canopy I have already thought of a solution to that. Im gonna have the canopy open from the front and the back somehow.

About putting a black acrylic so you cant see the insides.....that could work but my main thing is that I like to look at my tanks from the sides quite a bit....so im just being picky.
Yeah but we're talking about maybe 6" of a 30" deep tank. If it bothers you though, just do a coast to coast.
I think for 30" deep, 20" is kind of shallow. I think with that much depth, you'll want some more height.
60x27x22 I would get another 660 and go with 9 80w bulbs. Coast to coast overflow.
FishHook;354491 wrote: I have an acrylic 60 x 30 x 24 aquarium that I'm slowly setting up. Love the dimensions but I'm stuck on coming up with a big sump. Acrylic is rather expensive.

Ha great.....now I need a new sump too youre telling me!!!!

Do you have pics of this set up, Id love to try and get an idea of what this looks like in a room. Thanks!!
Fish Scales2;354594 wrote: 60x27x22 I would get another 660 and go with 9 80w bulbs. Coast to coast overflow.

Ok, this is sounding like a favorite. I think you guys are right on the 22. The 27 deep sounds good too but fitting 9T5's with reflectors will make it real tight on space, similar to what I have now space wise (6 T5's on an 18 inch. Each reflector/ bulb combo is about 3 inches). I need room for my powerbrites and moonlights.

That said, I was thinking about possibly either keeping at 30in so 60x30x22 or 60x27x22 and doing something different with the lighting:

How about 6 80w T5's centered over the tank. On the outsides of the T5's, 3 Powerbrites on each side (shimmer!!!) and the moonlights on each side as well!!
Fish Scales2;354594 wrote: 60x27x22 I would get another 660 and go with 9 80w bulbs. Coast to coast overflow.

+3 nd have Chris build it for you! I just picked mine up yesterday. Check out "Trey's New 115" thread for a few pics. More to come later today if I can find someone to help me get it out of the truck!:tongue2:
HA....would love to. I saw the pics....looked great. but unfortunately thats a long drive for me to pick it up. ;)
You can always do what I did and have a custom 60"x36"x26" with external overflow built... If you don't like the depth, go with something more like 22" or 24"... As for seeing in the external overflow... The company I bought from paints the back glass and coats the inside of the external overflow with a reef-safe epoxy type black paint... What you end up with is a tank that has a back glass that is 100% black with an external overflow... Mine shipped Friday and should be here on Tuesday or Wendesday...
Harleyguy;354743 wrote: You can always do what I did and have a custom 60"x36"x26" with external overflow built... If you don't like the depth, go with something more like 22" or 24"... As for seeing in the external overflow... The company I bought from paints the back glass and coats the inside of the external overflow with a reef-safe epoxy type black paint... What you end up with is a tank that has a back glass that is 100% black with an external overflow... Mine shipped Friday and should be here on Tuesday or Wendesday...

Im really liking that external overflow idea. Can you post pics of this tank? Sounds great.....My only change would be the height as you said. Like Lee said, my arms are short. lol.

What company did you order from?
Personally, I think you should buy a standard 180, then change your mind and sell it to me really cheap.

Barring that, I like the deep-but-not-too-tall dimensions. Even my lowly 90g, I wouldn't want any taller than it is.
here is an example of an external overflow.

Jorge, the Marineland's can be made to have overflows where ever you want them.
Hey all,

Thanks for all the ideas and suggestions. I have decided to go with a final size of 60x27x22 with an external coast to coast bean animal overflow. For lighting I will use 6 Icecap overdriven 80w T5s spread evenly over the middle, 6 Powerbrites, and 6 moonlights.

I came across this build thread as a reference and I am pretty much going to have an identical tank built so long as my apt floor can handle it.

The link is to page 12 but the whole thread is worth a look. Probably the best build thread I have ever seen.


Again, thanks for all the suggestions and Ill keep you guys posted as to when and if this happens.

Also, if you guys think of anything I should add that this guy didnt let me know (to the tank, haven even started with anything else).

Steve, if you want to customize the overflows on the marineland, do you know how to go about that? its worth looking at for sure depending on cost.