I’ve had my little 10 gallon set up for about two months. Cycled it with filter media from my main display and added a little Fritz 9. All parameters are good. Phosphates and nitrates hardly detectable. Only thing off about this tank is that is sits at about 80-82F, which I am working on.
My only corals are some pavona, chalice, and zoas. All of them seem very happy and I’ve been seeing growth. My graciliara is growing unusually fast in this tank, which tells me I might have some nitrate or phosphate leech. Otherwise I can’t explain why I’m experiencing this bacterial bloom. This little tank is very healthy with a large pod population. Other than about 10 dwarf ceriths, there are no other animals in the tank.
live rock is mostly Marco rock and dried pukani. Maybe the pukani is leeching nutrients in?
Never experienced a milky tank before. Anyone got any advice? I do weekly water changes, and the past two weeks I’ve done about 70% water changes. Water gets milky again within an hour.
My only corals are some pavona, chalice, and zoas. All of them seem very happy and I’ve been seeing growth. My graciliara is growing unusually fast in this tank, which tells me I might have some nitrate or phosphate leech. Otherwise I can’t explain why I’m experiencing this bacterial bloom. This little tank is very healthy with a large pod population. Other than about 10 dwarf ceriths, there are no other animals in the tank.
live rock is mostly Marco rock and dried pukani. Maybe the pukani is leeching nutrients in?
Never experienced a milky tank before. Anyone got any advice? I do weekly water changes, and the past two weeks I’ve done about 70% water changes. Water gets milky again within an hour.