Thank You - Mike Finch


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For watching my tank while I was away. I know the first day was horrible seeing that 5 of my fish died. It was for me, but thanks for all you did. And Thanks for Jenn of Imagine Ocean for coming over to see if there was anything you could do for my tanks and my dead friends.

They will be missed.

Can't wait till your tank get running. I will supply you with frags for weeks.

again....Thank you

Not a problem Todd. Of course the breaker would have to trip while I was watching it..... Too bad we couldn't save them. That new sump should help to prevent anything like that in the future.
Glad you are back (you bring a nice fresh air to the boards) and I gotta know... what happend?
Since I was there and witnessed it first hand I will respond to the what happened.

Todd and family had left for Destin on Sunday morning. I arrived at Todd's house around 5-5:30pm on Sunday to topoff and feed the fish. When I walked in I noticed the 90g display had no lights or flow. 5 fish were on the bottom and the Yellow Tang was sinking. I quickly went to the basement to reset the breaker. Five minutes after resetting the breaker the Yellow Tang came back to life. Since I am new to the hobby, Jenn came by to help ID the fish that did not make it and look for anything that I may not have noticed.

After further investigation, it looked like the power tripped a few hours after Todd left. So the fish were without flow or lights for most the day and some did not make it.

I change my tank visits to be around noon after that just in case the power tripped again. Fortunately, there were no other issues resulting in a loss of fish.
That's why your the man!!!. You saved 5 others...Freaking breakers....

In the market for some fish...anyone need to get rid of any?
what kind of fish did you loose Todd? and what kind of fish are you looking to replace them with?
see this is the reason to have a fish sitter ....if todd had not had one it could have been a total loss....
My original fish...Bulldog my Bi color blenny

My favorite guy the Lavender Tang, My schooling bannerfish, my coral beauty, my beautiful Anthia....and maybe a neon goby.

I don't know what I am going to put back. Possibly a school of Bannerfish or Anthia's
Sorry to hear it Todd, but glad that someone was around to do something to keep the rest from going belly-up.
I'm sorry Todd that half your fish died.:aww:

It's good that you had someone responsible to look after your tank while you were away. Great job Mike! :up:

Just goes to show us how important it is to have knowledgeable fishkeepers watching our tanks when we leave town.

Thanks for posting this Todd! You may have saved someone else from the same fate.

Cameron;33388 wrote: So do you think the fish suffocated without the flow?

Yes they did..No flow, no Oxygen. The fish that died were the faster respirators. The slower breathers like the clownfish, and cardinalfish, hawkfish, etc. survived.

The power could not have been off for more than 5 hours. The breaker sometimes tripped when the MH's kicked on. That was a roughly noon. Mike was there by 5 ish. So it shows you how fast they can die. Because 5 were dead when he got there.

That is why all need a backup generator and back up something!! My power was out last week for 2 hours when a transformer in the neighborhood caught fire. I fired up my generator to run the tanks.

**** breakers!!

Makes buying one of these a priority on my list:"></a>


Anybody got any others?
Cameron and Todd.... something like that might work for a smaller tank, or even a medium small tank like my 92, but what do you honestly think the usable volume would be on a pump set-up like that?
Not sure but I would guess dissolved oxygen efficiency goes up when using these things the less oxygen there is in a tank. A typical fish can go about 24 hours in a bag of water so it wouldn't suprise me if these things could actually keep a tank going as long as there batteries hold up. All speculation of course.

Makes those battery backup Vortech pumps look like a good deal.
How about hooking the reef keeper 2 into a UPS like we do for computers? Will the bigger ones giv emore piece of mind? Cameron, your the IT guy, would that work so it automatically kicks in?

Problem is DC/AC conversion is costly so most compact UPSes are only going to give you maybe an hour. If you isolated a single pump, you might get 4-5 hours.
If someone like me is running just a Mag 7 for the basics and not trying to run on the three maxijets, should be okay for 4-5 hours right? Its a failover system, right?

Do you want to car pool tonight to Posiedon's? I was planning on going. Just tried to call you.
