That UNGREATFULL........


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okay i think its time for my clown to go. i had my hand in the tank and was not paying attention and she BIT me. the messed up part is that i JUST fed my tank too. can ANYONE tell me where i can find a white stripped marroon?????? if not she is goign to the store and i am going to get a yellow stripped marron pair
She was just being teritorial, they will all do that at some point or another.
sagent3000;113108 wrote: okay i think its time for my clown to go. i had my hand in the tank and was not paying attention and she BIT me. the messed up part is that i JUST fed my tank too. can ANYONE tell me where i can find a white stripped marroon?????? if not she is goign to the store and i am going to get a yellow stripped marron pair

My gold stripe maroon would do the same thing, as does the clown of unknown type I have currently. In my experience, they are all aggressive in defending whatever they have adopted, or whatever they think of as "theirs". They also re-arrange tanks (dig sand, move rocs) and are not above moving a snail or other critter they feel are getting too close.

Mine bites my hand everytime I stick it in my 12 gal. I think all clowns will do this. I wouldn't get rid of yours.
My Maroon has removed hairs from my arm. Scared the bejebers out of me the first couple times.
Yup my clowns attack me everytime I work in the tank. It's there way of saying I like my home the way it is leave things alone!! Look at it as a positive thing!!
Same here.... they are in the damsel family so they have a mean streak to begin with. I gripe about it every time it happens but a deep dark part of myself thinks it is pretty adorable as well. Non-reef people love it when my cleaners clean my hand and the clown bites me. Almost like having a trained dog.
My Puffer left bite marks on my thumb. I swear it felt like someone hit me with a cattle prod. My purlpe tang and maroon clown also bite at my tongs everytime I go near thier part of the tank. (the purple thinks the whole take it his). This is normal and healthy behavior and not anything like a Vic Pit Bull!
My purple tang would swim past and try to back into my hand with those spines (succeeding on a couple of occasions). I would always wear nitrile gloves when he was still in the tank. Now that fish had to go.
I found that a nice pair of AQUAGLOVES worked great. My clarkii was afraid of the big purple thing in the tank even if he was not afraid of my hand.
I find that clowns with an anemone are less likely to be bite. This is just a generalized observation, but when they have an anemone they will retreat to it when threatened and let the anemone's tentacles do the talking. If they have no anemone to retreat to when they feel threatened, they will attack and nip as they believe the best defense is a good offense.

Even with an anemone they will attack of course if you are threatening their anemone. Otherwise a safe retreat allowing the anemone to defend them seems to suit them just fine.
So...just because your clown bit are getting rid of it? Remember, we are the ones who are keeping these animals in little glass boxes....
FutureInterest;113320 wrote: I find that clowns with an anemone are less likely to be bite. This is just a generalized observation, but when they have an anemone they will retreat to it when threatened and let the anemone's tentacles do the talking. If they have no anemone to retreat to when they feel threatened, they will attack and nip as they believe the best defense is a good offense.

Even with an anemone they will attack of course if you are threatening their anemone. Otherwise a safe retreat allowing the anemone to defend them seems to suit them just fine.

My BTA is on the right side of my 55g and if I'm working all the way on the left side of the tank, she'll swim the distance to dive-bomb my hand. I guess she feels anything within 4 feet of her 'nem is her territory. I respect her grit, but..... Ouch.
i am not going to get rid of her just yet i am actualy kind of fond of her. she is hte first to meet me at the glass when i come up to the tnak. and plus her best friend the kole will be lonely. they take turns chasing the psuedo around in the tank. i am gonig ot get a RBTA this week and then try to find her a man. does anyone know a store that has a white stripped maroon?
sagent3000;113744 wrote: i am gonig ot get a RBTA this week and then try to find her a man. does anyone know a store that has a white stripped maroon?

I've read that maroons can be kind of tricky to pair up.