Thats it i give up on sea stars.

It would not surprise me. Sallys can take fish as well IME, especially when larger.
argh i just got the darn thing. i know they can be greedy and aggressive when it comes to food. but i didnt think they would eat on a live starfish. im just gonna wait a few more months and try again.
well i think i figured it out. Apparantly my alkalinity was low for a good while. I got it back in whack a little over a week ago. I bought a sea star a couple days after that, and im glad to see he is doing great. *knock on wood* so im assuming the alk problem was killing the SF. This sound reasonable?
Hate to rain on your parade but I doubt that was it.

Unless your pH was swinging...

What sort did you get this time, and how long ago?

im with Jenn and Dave.alk probably didnt do it and sally likely did.i will never have another one.mine would go after my hand and would literally jump at fish and other inverts to try and catch and eat them.a starfish would be easy prey.i was watching a nature show one time and a large sally came out of the water and grabbed a baby penguin on the beach and took it back to the water!
reeferman;696945 wrote: im with Jenn and Dave.alk probably didnt do it and sally likely did.i will never have another one.mine would go after my hand and would literally jump at fish and other inverts to try and catch and eat them.a starfish would be easy prey.i was watching a nature show one time and a large sally came out of the water and grabbed a baby penguin on the beach and took it back to the water!
:eek: If you can find that episode lmk I want to see that :eek:
Good god a Sally can get that big?! I've had the new sand sifting sf for almost a week now. It's out all the time moving around and Sally doesnt bother it. Tho I have to say I have been feeding more than I use to lately.. Wonder if that would deter Sally from eating the sf.

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I think there is some cross-confusing of crabs. Sally lightfoots like we have in our tanks are surely not the ones in such a documentary. A tropical, reef area crab wouldnt be found by penguins. There are thousands of crab species, that are flattened, and probably even bear the same silly common name of "Sally Lightfoot". But, surely not the smae species. Our aquarium ones are Percnon gibbesi</em>, and only get a few inches.

In fact, look here:"></a>

It says "sally lightfoot crabs" are predators of penguin chicks, but the scientific name is [I]Graspus graspus</em>, a totally different crab.
i believe it was a documentary on the Galapagos islands.the crab looked like a huge sure the type of crabs we keep and penguins are together on the Galapagos.not saying it was the same species but they do share an environment.
heres a video of a big sally. yeah i guess there are different types of sally LFs

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Just a point to be aware of.... sand shifting stars will starve to death in your aquarium.
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Best thing ever. Get rid or the SLF. O and if you see this starfish get rid of it.
What kind of star is that? It looks like a softer, rounder sand sifter. That is not very nice of him to attack that crab. hehe
Jaycen B.;697379 wrote:
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Best thing ever. Get rid or the SLF. O and if you see this starfish get rid of it.

Yeah I have a very small one of those that hitchhiked in. I see it on the glass every once in a while. It's super tiny though.

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This starfish was a coral eater, it is dead now. The small ones you have are probable fine, but keep an eye out. It was just a bit larger than a quarter.