The Chronicles of my Bryopsis War


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So as some of you know, I'm in an EPIC battle with bryopsis and have been since the beginning of the year. It's so bad that twice now over the last few months, I have seriously considered getting out. My first attempts were to do what I knew worked. Kent Tech-M. However, not being able to find Kent Tech-M, I was told that Continuum by Kent was "the exact same formula" and will "knock it out". Yeah, no dice…

So after spending a month + with my MG around 1800 with Continuum (and dumping +$100 into that), I finally found some tech M. I used the Tech-M to take my MG to around 2200 and it's been there for another 2 months with zero results.

Removing the rock and using peroxide or bleaching them is not really an option based on the corals, structure, etc. Any treatment that is getting done, has to be done IN TANK.

Moving through the chemical realm, I tried Algae-Fix which I used about 1 1/2 yrs ago to rid my tank of a horrible case of geledium (much prettier than bryopsis, but equally difficult to eradicate). I ended up using Algae-Fix for my geledium for about 2 1/2 months. FAR longer than manufacturer recommendations. Doing so, I killed off most of my CUC. My ornamental shrimp went first, followed by my snails. And of course my macro algaes.

I ran Algae-Fix for about a month, but after reading post after post that it does NOT work for bryopsis, I sought out something different.

Welcome Fauna Marin Ultra AlgaeX.

I read a lot about it and that is my current route. I'm going to use this thread to document my experience.

According to Fauna Marin, you cannot use filtering reactors with AlgaeX (gfo/carbon), nor can you do a water change during treatment. Just skim heavily, measure EXACTLY and dose after the lights are off for best results.

I am keeping my Calcium reactor and my Matrix reactor online as neither will filter out the AlgaeX.

Treatment is 5ml per 100l of water. My tank +sump & reactor = 150g (on the safe side) so I'm treating 28ml of Ultra AlgaeX. Treatment is every other day for 21 days (11 treatments).

Others have had issues with losing shrimp, snails & clams, but those who claim to follow the measurements & directions EXACTLY, have reported no losses and good results.

So here I am…

Here's what a massive bryopsis infestation looks like:
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Step 1 = manual removal of as much algae as possible. I did so by taking a 10' long, 1/2" diameter hose, and running a continuous siphon from the DT into a filter sock in the sump. I would suck up algae and then put my finger over the hose to grab it and rip it out. I spent about 1 1/2 hours getting as much as I could out of the tank. Then I did my last water change for the next 3 weeks.

Here's the "after" manual removal, and the start of my Ultra Algae X experiment.
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I did my first dose last night, and everything is still alive this morning so that's a good sign. Stay tuned as I continue to update!
I have a good friend that used ultra algae x for a severe dino problem and slight bryopsis problem.
He suffered no losses and eradicated all algae. We put his macro in a bucket with a heater and air stone during treatment.

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JohnIII;871584 wrote: I have a good friend that used ultra algae x for a severe dino problem and slight bryopsis problem.
He suffered no losses and eradicated all algae. We put his macro in a bucket with a heater and air stone during treatment.

Good to hear! I pulled all my macro yesterday as well. No sense in letting it die in the system.
Obviously this didn't just happen to you, but fwiw, when I was battling the bryopsis I syphoned it out through the filter sock like you described. It was a lot of crap and it "nucked" my system. Not sure if it was all the aiptasia,hydroids,etc along with the bryopsis, but please be extremely cautious when recirculating that water. I didn't loose anything, but all the fish in that system looked as if the were drawing their last breath. Good luck
Dang, and I thought I had it bad. Not sure if what I have is bryopsis but it started in my frag tank shortly after the expo.
franciscosalazar;871586 wrote: Would using a UV filter help with spores?

UV is on 24x7. The flow rate is more for Ich than spores, but rest assured, it's killing anything that goes through it.

jamescook;871592 wrote: Obviously this didn't just happen to you, but fwiw, when I was battling the bryopsis I syphoned it out through the filter sock like you described. It was a lot of crap and it "nucked" my system. Not sure if it was all the aiptasia,hydroids,etc along with the bryopsis, but please be extremely cautious when recirculating that water. I didn't loose anything, but all the fish in that system looked as if the were drawing their last breath. Good luck

I've done it a couple of times with decent luck at getting the biggest crap out. But will keep an eye on it. Everything looked fine while I've siphoned.
I've always found that mechanical removal with a brush (old toothbrush or similar) worked well. Turn off all pumps while cleaning using this method. Some will go free floating on you so I used a brine net to "catch" it. Once I'm done with that, the Tech M treatment begins and I've successfully gotten rid of it when I had my 93 cube and also in my 40g frag/QT tank. I found a couple of small pieces in my 180 DT and got rid of that pronto using Tech M (somewhere around 1450-1500). I'm now testing the same application on some live rock from the 40 cube I'm selling. This is day 2 of dosing that tank and I don't see any new sprouts and what is there is looking rather poorly.
how come it was so hard to find tech m ? we sell it all day long at pure reef. I just got done treating a tank that had massive bryopsis, and I had it gone after about a month and a half.
Good luck. I have had the same problem in a 75 gallon soft coral tank. I cut back the lighting and manually remove whats left. I really hate this stuff and an outbreak is discouraging. Hope you have success eradicating it JeF4Y.
heathlindner25;871631 wrote: how come it was so hard to find tech m ? we sell it all day long at pure reef. I just got done treating a tank that had massive bryopsis, and I had it gone after about a month and a half.


The 2 times I've been in there ended up in my Continuum purchases because you didn't have Tech M and said that Continuum replaced it and was identical.
JeF4y;871803 wrote: Really?

The 2 times I've been in there ended up in my Continuum purchases because you didn't have Tech M and said that Continuum replaced it and was identical.

well I didn't tell you we usually have it in stock.
Oh , and I love that misfits sticker...
that band used to pump blood through my veins when I was a
Yep, got a gal through amazon, but like I said, my MG was so high at that point all I could do was push it up over 2000. To bring it down would take months or a few SERIOUS (like 50 gal) water changes which I don't have the capability to do at one time.

Los Misfits. Really dig them. They are a lot of fun =)
JeF4y;871803 wrote: Really?

The 2 times I've been in there ended up in my Continuum purchases because you didn't have Tech M and said that Continuum replaced it and was identical.

It would make sense they were the same, as Continuum is the line started by Jack Kent after he sold the Kent Marine line of additives.