Sorry, been way too lax on updating the thread.
I spent 5 days in Phoenix away from the tank. Before I left, I had yet another conversation with someone about my problem and realized that there were a few more steps I could take to try and eradicate this without continuing down the chemical path.
I hate to be "that guy" who failed on the experiment, but I want to push out and see if I can kill this without effectively poisoning the water.
To that end, here has been my discovery & my path forward.
1 - I was feeding WAY too much. -- I have 4 clowns, 1 cardinal, 1 blenny, 1 goby, 1 wrasse & 1 powder brown tang. For them, I had been feeding 1/6 sheet of Nori & 2 cubes of mysis daily. That was simply waaaaay too much. So for the 5 days I was gone, I left the tank unfed. I came back to fish that looked exactly like they did when I left. Fat & fine. I cut the feeding down to 1/2 a cube of mysis per day and no Nori right now.
2 - My CUC was woefully undersized. I have been very lax on replenishing the CUC simply because I had been buying from and the creatures lack quality and longevity. Simon Kruger turned me on to and I ordered a very sizable CUC including 4 lettuce nudibranchs.
For now I've restarted my GFO/Carbon, performed a few more manual cleanups as best I can, increased flow, dramatically decreased food, and dropped in a large CUC to augment the bit I had left. I am also pushing my MG up to 2400.
In the 5 days I was gone, there was no discernible growth to the bryopsis which is a good sign. Will see how things go over the next few weeks. If the changes I'm making do not have a decent impact, I will go back to a chemical solution.
Edit: Here are some pics of where I am today.
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2 of the Nudibranches working on a rock.
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