The Coral Banded Shrimp's Gotta Go...

dave green

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Who knows of a trap that can catch one of these guys? I've tried netting and cajoling with no success. He is a large and hearty specimen... just ask what used to be the hermit crabs in the tank.

If I catch him, I am going to hang him by a string in front of the fish tank so that all his tank mates can watch and cheer as their former tormentor dies a slow and agonizing death...

Now it might be more humane if someone wants him to come get him, so if someone wants him, there's a big and healthy CBS waiting for you to come catch him...


p.s. I'm a sympathetic guy... but this bully's gotta go... I've tried talking to him, giving him time-outs and making him run laps around the tank... to no avail.
davidbgreen;86282 wrote: Who knows of a trap that can catch one of these guys? I've tried netting and cajoling with no success. He is a large and hearty specimen... just ask what used to be the hermit crabs in the tank.

If I catch him, I am going to hang him by a string in front of the fish tank so that all his tank mates can watch and cheer as their former tormentor dies a slow and agonizing death...

Now it might be more humane if someone wants him to come get him, so if someone wants him, there's a big and healthy CBS waiting for you to come catch him...


p.s. I'm a sympathetic guy... but this bully's gotta go... I've tried talking to him, giving him time-outs and making him run laps around the tank... to no avail.

Be careful what you say you are going to do with it. Read my thread I did earlier to see the reactions and I'll send you a picture of what I did!
Number three post is the list and if you choose the correct one I'll give you a kenya tree frag and a pulsing xenia frag! lol
Verrrry interesting, Mr T!

I looked through the list... (more on that later)

YOU, the reader, can save this coral banded shrimp's life!

He (she?) is a big one and a beauty... just way too aggressive for this particular tank. I'm tired of it poking my fish and eating my crabs. I would like this tank to be a peaceful community without it causing problems...

Granted, there's always going to be some not-so-peaceful moments, but I'd much rather see them result in something better than a CBS' meal.

This shrimp has been with me for over two years... two years in a restaurant's tank Downtown and then moved to Marietta when we sold the place. Out of all the livestock that came, only the CBS, a clownfish and a sea apple have survived to now.

(and a bunch of live rock and what comes with it)

It was a menace to the previous tank as well... always poking at the others.

In this tank, I have seen it go after every swimming thing that has been in there and approach the hermit crabs and emerald crabs, which it evidently thinks are there for its amusement and feeding.

If it cannot be moved to another community, then it must die... and be made an example of... (you will either live peacefully with others or die a horrific death! MOO-HAA-HAA!!!! >:) )

I mentioned hanging him in front of everyone, kinda like what happened to the inspector in "Hannibal." Thinking more on it, later, while it may give some of the fish a great cheering moment (a la Ding Dong the Witch is Dead), cleaner shrimp have spawned recently, and I don't think such graphic displays are good for the babies... so public execution is out of the question...

(plus, tying a string around the little bugger's gonna be hard to do!)

Jeff's list, however, has some potential... hmmm...

Feeding to cat. (don't have a cat... but there are neighbors with dogs)

Nailing to tree, shooting with 44mag. (I've never met anyone who's *that* good with a 44 mag!)

Put on a leash tying to bumper. (not good for a paint job, I don't think... but if you put saran wrap between the fish and the bumper...)

Putting salt water in toilet bowl, for wife to find. (saltwater in the toilet is against Cobb County's codes and they would revoke our certificate of occupancy and make us re-plumb the whole place... a bit extreme for a shrimp)

Putting it into fish tank at BassPro. (involves a road trip... which my wife will mis-interpret as an opportunity to go shopping... a fight that she invariably wins)

Fish fry. (although I manage a restaurant, I can't cook)

Mounted! (oooooooh..... now THAT'S a nice one.... one that has crossed my mind... although like hanging, I don't know if the guy will stay still long enough to pour the lacquer on)

Put it in my pool. (does the pool have a protein skimmer?)

If I had to guess.... being a member of the Etruscan Royal Family, and knowing that royal families do like to display their conquests (and rightfully so), I'd have to guess that you had the devil fish mounted!

Maybe I'll do the same with the CBS... unless somebody wants him... he's magnificent!

(or maybe I'd start a new tank... hmmm.....)
davidbgreen;86301 wrote: Verrrry interesting, Mr T!

I looked through the list... (more on that later)
Nailing to tree, shooting with 44mag. (I've never met anyone who's *that* good with a 44 mag!)

Being a Bullseye Champion many times, I am. So you must have never met me.

And your guess was incorrect.