Prior to getting this thing, I hadn’t had much luck with any kind of stick. I’m chalking it up to my tank still being “new” since it just hit the 1 year mark back in March. This piece, however, was doing great since getting it at the fragging event. It was “bushier” than ever, had new growth going, overall looked really healthy
2 Fridays ago, I took a trip to visit my brother in Birmingham. I stopped by the house after work to grab a few things I had forgotten, and noticed something was off with my tank, but didn’t have the time to do anything about it. I had done a water change that Tuesday, so figured it couldn’t be “that bad”, and headed out.
I came home Sunday afternoon and everything in my tank was pissed off, closed up, and some even dead. It seemed like a few snails had died and started producing ammonia. More than what my little 25g was capable of handling while I was away, and caused a chain reaction. I spent that day and the following 2, doing 25% water changes and testing. After 3 days of that, things seemed to have settled back down. Almost everything is back fully open, or almost there.
I thought I had lost this birdsnest completely; but life is crazy resilient. This first picture was taken April 21st.
This one was taken on April 28th

And I took this one just a few minutes ago.

You can even see how much happier the pandora palys are after just 4 days of things being back to normal. I was going to try cutting off the top part and just restarting with a little nub. But after seeing how fast this piece is bouncing back, I think I’m going to leave it as is and track it’s progression.
2 Fridays ago, I took a trip to visit my brother in Birmingham. I stopped by the house after work to grab a few things I had forgotten, and noticed something was off with my tank, but didn’t have the time to do anything about it. I had done a water change that Tuesday, so figured it couldn’t be “that bad”, and headed out.
I came home Sunday afternoon and everything in my tank was pissed off, closed up, and some even dead. It seemed like a few snails had died and started producing ammonia. More than what my little 25g was capable of handling while I was away, and caused a chain reaction. I spent that day and the following 2, doing 25% water changes and testing. After 3 days of that, things seemed to have settled back down. Almost everything is back fully open, or almost there.
I thought I had lost this birdsnest completely; but life is crazy resilient. This first picture was taken April 21st.

This one was taken on April 28th

And I took this one just a few minutes ago.

You can even see how much happier the pandora palys are after just 4 days of things being back to normal. I was going to try cutting off the top part and just restarting with a little nub. But after seeing how fast this piece is bouncing back, I think I’m going to leave it as is and track it’s progression.