The next BIG THING!!!


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Hey guys,

See my sig line for what is in my tank (The red angel is dead though).

I recently bought a 24'' T-5 with a super bright flourescent and a actinium blue bulb.

I am all set for starting corals. (I will buy a skimmer).

Anybody willing to give me some frags? I'm happy to buy plugs and and veils from you.

Here is my plan (in order for you organization wonks)
(1) Buy an anemone
(2) Get some coral frags
(3) Buy another red angel (once 12 weeks pass and I return fish to show tank).
(4) Buy some shrimp
(5) Buy a flame scallop or two.
(6) Misc. inverts (I have a feather duster which rooted itself to a rock)

Any other ideas?
I would hold off for a year or so before adding an anemone. Just because your tank is cycled doens't mean it's stable. You're maxed out on fish already in my opinion. Flame scallops are notorious for poor survival rates. Other than that your plan sounds great.
i still say do not get the angel. the other one died becuase of ich i believe. well the fish died because of the stress of ich and a small tank(that is what i think happened.)imo
Hey guys,

Is there a dwarf angel that doesn't need a lot of space? I see the point of not adding a fish I can't fit in without stressing it. SHould i just go shrimp, snails, crabs, corals? It seems I can add those without limit (well within reason).

well i think a pygmy would be easy. but why dont you get a goby they look close and need a whole lot less space.
Flame scallops are cool looking but from what I understand they require expert care only and even then they are prone to dying of starvation.
Flame scallops WILL die..period. Don't waste your money and sacrifice their lives.

Before you start maxing your bioload, you need a skimmer. The better a skimmer you get, the more wiggle room you have (unless you want to do a ton of water changes).

You can get a dwarf angel, but they need to constantly graze, and it will be very tough for them to survive with such a juvenile setup. It really should mature before adding one. However, I agree with the above posters, get something else.

You can add more crabs and such, but why?

When you start to add coral, they are going to take up real estate. This in turn will reduce the space the fish will have to swim about. It effectively reduces the size of your tank. Remember that when planning your setup. The more coral you plan to have, the less fish you can have.

Skip the anemone. If you want something that your clowns will host, get some coral. They will host it. A good one to try would be frogspawn. It is a great and hardy coral that is easy to care for. It has nice coloration, and clowns will host it. You should be able to get a frag of it on the boards pretty easily.
Hey guys,

My dwarf angel (in life) grazed all the time. I think I killed him, not ich. You know when white sand dust gets on them sometimes and it looks like ich? You know its dust because they move a second later and it is gone. I think that was what it was.

How can I get copepods and other inverts for my system? Should I order corals or only get frags? Skriz, your an expert, what is my next step with corals? What kind of skimmer?
