Thinking about adding T5s to my radions....heat?


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The main thing I love about LEDs is no heat issues. If I add 4 T5 bulbs either in a floating canopy or by retrofitting a T5 fixture will I have heat issues? A chiller is not an option.
I don't get any heat build up from my t5s. As long as there's adequate ventilation you'll be fine.

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LED's are more efficient and have better color....If you want more light, more LED's seems like a better option over T5's, especially if you have concerns about heat.
T5 offers better coverage and has proven growth benefits. I am also adding t5 to my radion setup, waiting for my waterproof ends to arrive so I can setup. What bulbs are you thinking about using?

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Heat shouldn't be an issue. I agree with the other Brandon.
You may see SOME heat... but I don't believe it will be significant enough to matter

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One thing I noticed from switching from mh/t5s to all led is my heaters run almost constantly during the fall winter and spring to keep the tank at 78*. I tried 77* and same thing. I added t5 supplements to my frag tank. And same thing. So the amount of heat is negligible on my system. I did notice some corals have responded positively with growth and less shadowing
I'm running T5's & LED's, the T5's are on 4hrs a day at peak lighting and I dim the LED's down some while they're on to not over do it. Yes they will add some heat to the system but I don't think it's unmanageable and if the top of the tank/hood are well ventilated it's not bad at all. Everything in the tank seems happier when the T5's run. I see a higher PH rise when they run too, versus days they aren't on. This an only mean there is more photosynthesis happening while they're on.
Do it. My Radion and T5 combo has improved my coral growth than when i ran 100% led.
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I am definitely a LED guy. I have been running them since the original AI Sols came out. But I have seen some stunning SPS lately under T5s the colors just look a touch more vivid.

I will either do a floating canopy or modify a fixture to house my Radions.

Do you guys think I could remove the center bulbs/refectors and mount radions in the center of an ATI fixture?
atlorange;1108054 wrote: Thanks for the feedback everyone. I am definitely a LED guy. I have been running them since the original AI Sols came out. But I have seen some stunning SPS lately under T5s the colors just look a touch more vivid.

I will either do a floating canopy or modify a fixture to house my Radions.

Do you guys think I could remove the center bulbs/refectors and mount radions in the center of an ATI fixture?
You probably could but I feel it being attached to the metal housing would keep more heat

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personally also a fan of t5/led combo. Unless you fill the top with T5's it's usually not a huge heat gain. I think i have a few retrofit kits left over from my build (end caps/reflectors and power block).
If you want to barter a little for all those corals i'm coming for next week i'd be up for it. pm me if your interested.