Thinking Of Going Rimless


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So I've been considering upgrading my tank. I've always had multiple tanks (at one time I had 4 tanks ranging from 20-75 gallons) and, since I am going back to school full time, would like to get it down to a single saltwater tank that will keep me happy for a few years. I really like the open and clean look of the rimless tanks but have a few concerns. I would love to hear from people who have rimless tanks and any benefits, problems, etc.

A few questions I have are:
1. Who to purchase from - I am on a rather tight budget so I am considering going through glass cages, despite their questionable reputation. Are there any other companies that I should consider?

2. Sizing - My house was obviously not built with a large fish tank in mind. The only place that I have to put a tank and have it viewable is a corner of the living room that is about 3.5'x3'. Any recommendations on tank dimensions, preferably in the 70-100 gallon range? I was considering a 36"x36"x? although maintanence might be a pain.

3. Fish Selection - I realize that having an open-top tank cuts down on the species I can have. I plan on keeping my clown fish (and maybe getting him a friend). I would also like a smaller tang (probably yellow or purple) and possibly a school of anthias. Are any of these fish likely to jump? I also have a Midas Blenny that I would really like to keep. I have heard blennies are known jumpers but I've never seen him jump (he hides in the rocks when spooked). How much of a risk is this? I do plan on keeping the water level a few inches below the rim.

4. Lighting/Evaporation - If heat isn't an issue, I would like to use a combination of T5s and halides (Something like this:"></a>). Would a single light fixture cover a 36"x36" tank if I placed corals appropriately? Also, how bad is the evaporation rate on the rimless tanks? Is an ATO mandatory?

5. Custom Stand - I would have to get a custom stand built and it would be great if I could find someone local. Any recommendations? Feel free to PM if you would rather not post this in the thread.

I think that is all the questions I have for now. Sorry if the post is a little lengthy, just want to make sure I'm thinking of this build realistically. Thanks in advance for any advice!
The only thing I didnt care for on a rimless is the water always spills over the edge of tank when my hand was in it.
I have a 24x24x16 (I think it's 16 tall) approx. 40 gallon, rimless I'm considering selling--PM me if you want any info on it.
Cici22;570102 said:
A few questions I have are:
1. Who to purchase from - Fishscales

Are any of these fish likely to jump? YES, Anthias will jump, clowns will jump - I think any fish is capable of jumping if spooked enough

Is an ATO mandatory? for stability and ease of maintenence, YES

5. Custom Stand - Grouper Therapy or REdEdge could make you a killer stand

My response in bold above
arcaholic has a dyi thred on making a mesh top (and feeding door)
Heres the one Chris built me from Fish Scales its really amazing. I never have a problem with overflowing water. Atleast contact him for a price heres a pic.
alt="" /></a>
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Thanks for all the responses! That tank is beautiful William1

As for the mesh top, I had considered this but I think it kind of defeats the point of having the tank rimless, at least asthetically. I was hoping that with the right fish selection and keeping the water level a few inches below the rim I could reduce the chances of fish jumping. Keeping the water level this low should also prevent water from spilling out when I am doing maintenance.

Thanks again for all the help. If everything works out I'll be putting up my first build thread!
jenn_jeffery;570260 wrote: I have a 24x24x16 (I think it's 16 tall) approx. 40 gallon, rimless I'm considering selling--PM me if you want any info on it.

I appreciate the offer but I was hoping to go with something a bit bigger.
I have a 20" rimless cube. It's a nice clean look.

I have a 250w MH pendant. There is quite a bit of evaporation, but that's what auto top off is for.

I second Fishscale...those cabinets are really nice. He does good work.
I have my water level about 1/2" under the rim of the tank. I run 2 tunze modded 6025's and the wavemaker mode on my reefkeeper. Really nice flow and no water over the top rim. I run a 250 watt MH and evap about 3/4 gallon a day.
+1 I think you are headed in right direction with your way of thinking. Even with 1.5" of space between water and top of tank there is still a good chance that a fish will jump.

Cici22;570437 wrote: Thanks for all the responses! That tank is beautiful William1

As for the mesh top, I had considered this but I think it kind of defeats the point of having the tank rimless, at least asthetically. I was hoping that with the right fish selection and keeping the water level a few inches below the rim I could reduce the chances of fish jumping. Keeping the water level this low should also prevent water from spilling out when I am doing maintenance.

Thanks again for all the help. If everything works out I'll be putting up my first build thread!
My rimless has never overflowed, but that is because my overflow has plenty of room to accept the extra water.
WILLIAM1;570458 wrote: I have my water level about 1/2" under the rim of the tank. I run 2 tunze modded 6025's and the wavemaker mode on my reefkeeper. Really nice flow and no water over the top rim. I run a 250 watt MH and evap about 3/4 gallon a day.

I was planning on getting a wavemaker when I first considered upgrading my tank, but at the time I was planning on getting a standard 120. Do you have any concerns of too much alternating wave action putting too much pressure on the seals? I would love to have good natural flow in the tank but I am not sure what these rimless tanks can handle long term. Might be a good question to ask whoever I get to build the tank.
Cici22;570476 wrote: I was planning on getting a wavemaker when I first considered upgrading my tank, but at the time I was planning on getting a standard 120. Do you have any concerns of too much alternating wave action putting too much pressure on the seals? I would love to have good natural flow in the tank but I am not sure what these rimless tanks can handle long term. Might be a good question to ask whoever I get to build the tank.

That's why some builders use glass that is thicker than required:yes: I have seen the wave action in Williams tank and I have no concern.
Leg and I have William to thank for it. :shout: I give him pleasure (his tank) and he repays me with pain. WTH (what the heck)