Thoughts on my sump?


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I finally got the new sump I made installed. I had to do some last minute changes once it was under the stand and all of the plumbing was in the way. I wanted the skimmer in the first chamber and the refugium in the second. The scrubber looks to be working just how I wanted it. The overflow had to be tweaked some. It's a DIY durso that had one hold drilled in the top. I ended up drilling too more but it still pulled a full siphon every few minutes so now it's got 4 small holes in the top. The DCT8000 at 2100 gph is at the lowest setting. I might be able to up it one more but I don't think I need to. The smart ato is coming straight out of a jug. I've got to get a new container that's larger than 5 gallons and a longer hose, then re-position the return so that it doesn't cause bubbles in the pump chamber. That's where the Apex probes will go. Hopefully the new Apex shipped yesterday.

I've got to get some more pods for the refugium. I'll probably wait for the bbq at Premier. Still trying to find some chaeto (I just haven't had a chance to travel to the offers yet - thanks guys for the offers).

Where should I put the chaeto? Seems like it might be best under the scrubber. Seems like it would tumble well in there. There's egg crate on that side of the baffle. I've got to add some media in a bag there. It should get really good contact in that position and it will help keep the chaeto from going in to the baffle.

I need another light for the other side of the scrubber. Probably one that can take some saltwater better than the one I have. Suggestions? I know the red spectrum is supposed to be good for algae and I haven't found a decent and cheap light that can handle some spray.

Lastly the skimmer... Eshopps s200. It's in 8-9" of water and I've got to tune it to almost closed and it's barely producing bubbles up to the cup. Is there any way to adjust the air intake on these? Maybe there's just not enough organics to produce the right bubbles? Maybe I need to clean the needle wheel? The skimmer was clean when I got it but I didn't open it up.

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Yes, that's Jurassic Park 3 in the background
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looking good dan. whats that one piece of acrylic on the top left for? is it just a brace?
Yeah, just a brace. I had that piece that fit perfectly so why not. It's not as pretty as yours was. I ended up messing up some cuts, getting impatient and then just patching stuff up. Not bad for a circular saw and a level though.
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thats excellent work for the tools you had on hand! what show is that poster from?
IDK lol. I got those piece from mystery me. Old posters from the cnn center I think. I didn't feel like removing the one from the bottom piece.
How long has the skimmer been running now? They can take a week or two to "break in" properly.
Just since yesterday but it's used. I have read and heard about break in, but didn't know if that meant from being out of the box new. You can see in the picture how the output is just cracked open. I feel like if it's going to break in, then at this tune it's going to overflow like crazy.
I'm thinking you may get a lot of algae growth in the skimmer with the light pointed right at it. If it starts happening I have some thinner 3/16" black acrylic sheet you could use to laminate to one side of the ATS chamber. It will block the light from getting to the skimmer chamber.

Also with the skimmer, open the valve on it so the bubbles are just getting to the bottom of the neck just below the bottom of the cup. Let it sit there while it breaks back it and gets a slime layer going. When that happens the bubbles will start to rise on their own. This way you can monitor it so it doesn't overflow. If you leave it all the way up there Murphy will make sure that it breaks in while you're not around and it'll overflow.
I will have some cheato for you at the BBQ with pods. However if you have a scrubber the cheato might not make it there might not be any nutrients for it to grow. I have tons and will bring some .
That's a good call. I need to light the scrubber from the other side too though.

Maybe I can get it from you at the bbq? Are you going?
You're right about that. It may not grow At least it can seed me with more pods. Although I 'm definitely buying more at the bbq. Thanks!

jrhunter0000;1088647 wrote: I will have some cheato for you at the BBQ with pods. However if you have a scrubber the cheato might not make it there might not be any nutrients for it to grow. I have tons and will bring some .
hey dan i would leave that skimmer outlet all the way open just in case it does need breaking in. that way it wont overflow your skimmer if it does break in all of a sudden. and if you dont see any change after you get some livestock in the tank and algae on the scrubber than adjust it up as needed
It's got two clowns, lawnmower blenny and a diamond goby. The tank cycled a few weeks ago and I added the clowns with just several powerheads, then the blenny and goby last week.
Danh;1088648 wrote: That's a good call. I need to light the scrubber from the other side too though.

Maybe I can get it from you at the bbq? Are you going?

I updated my post above...

Yes I'm going to the BBQ. I'm going to be smoking 2 9lb pork butts to help feed everyone. :shades:

If you give me the measurements I'll cut the piece out of the sheet I have and bring it with me.
Danh;1088653 wrote: It's got two clowns, lawnmower blenny and a diamond goby. The tank cycled a few weeks ago and I added the clowns with just several powerheads, then the blenny and goby last week.

ahh ok didnt realize you had livestock in it. then just leave the skimmer open for a few days and if you dont see any change in the water level then adjust it from there. i let mine accidentally overflow when i was setting it up and while most of the water went right back in the sump the splashing threw little drops of water all over the inside of the stand and now i have rust on my hinges and my center brace clips. so its better just to avoid that in the first place imo
I'll probably get you the measurements so I can drop it in and hang a little over the sides so I can move it right beside the skimmer and leave room to light the scrubber from the other side.

anit77;1088654 wrote: I updated my post above...

Yes I'm going to the BBQ. I'm going to be smoking 2 9lb pork butts to help feed everyone. :shades:

If you give me the measurements I'll cut the piece out of the sheet I have and bring it with me.
Danh;1088648 wrote: That's a good call. I need to light the scrubber from the other side too though.

Maybe I can get it from you at the bbq? Are you going?

Yes I am. To be honest don't buy them I have tons and diffent kinds i have enough to seed your fuge
Got it. Thanks.

My wife opened it up some. It produced a little bit more skimmate. That may just be from the brown algae though I'm not sure.
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