Thoughts on these test results

Earlier I had mentioned not doing a dosing routine yet, I'll just go back to that plan for now. I've never bothered testing alkalinity ever in the previous foray into the hobby and had decent success.

There are a lot of big clams, and a fair number of mound corals in there, on top of normal cycle eating up alkalinity. That is the only thing I can ascribe it to.

It was 6tsp total mixed in some rodi and added from Sunday to yesterday.
Wow, Clams, ok. With clams you have to monitor Alk, Cal & Mag much closer and will have to dose. Most people don't usually have success with clams until a system is fully mature. Or at least have a lot of experience. When you say "A lot of big clams" what are we talking about? One large clam can suck up a lot of Alk & Cal, "A lot of big clams" can down right suck it down to the levels you were seeing, 5.5>dKH, in a day or two. You have definitely jumped into the deep end right from the beginning. You are going to have to come up with a dosing plan, and quickly, if those clams are going to survive. Getting someone over there and helping is going to be kind of pertinent at this point. I might even go as far as saying you should consider returning or rehoming the clams.

Maybe looking at your full stock list. Fish, Coral, Inverts... everything in the tank right now and their numbers. A full tank shot will help too.
Wow, Clams, ok. With clams you have to monitor Alk, Cal & Mag much closer and will have to dose. Most people don't usually have success with clams until a system is fully mature. Or at least have a lot of experience. When you say "A lot of big clams" what are we talking about? One large clam can suck up a lot of Alk & Cal, "A lot of big clams" can down right suck it down to the levels you were seeing, 5.5>dKH, in a day or two. You have definitely jumped into the deep end right from the beginning. You are going to have to come up with a dosing plan, and quickly, if those clams are going to survive. Getting someone over there and helping is going to be kind of pertinent at this point. I might even go as far as saying you should consider returning or rehoming the clams.

Maybe looking at your full stock list. Fish, Coral, Inverts... everything in the tank right now and their numbers. A full tank shot will help too.
Turkey wing hitchhiker clams, I didn't go buy a bunch of maxima lol. Not the first rodeo, didn't go jump in the deep end. Shouldve clarified that, but was just throwing out possible reasons for what I was seeing.

Livestock actually purchased and worth talking about:
2 clowns
1 azure damsel
1 yellowtail damsel
1 tomini tang
1 lemon wrasse
2 yellow watchman gobies

1 montipora digitata
1 frag of zoa
1 blastomussa frag
1 trachyphyllia
1 frogspawn head

Stuff that came in the rocks are half a dozen smaller lps corals of unknown species and probably half a dozen 3" clams and unknown number of smaller ones.

I'll post a FTS later but it's just a basic starter tank. Nothing fancy no real algae issues, slight bit of cyano here and there, the usual new tank stuff. Not looking to add anything for another month or two as of now.
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Cool, large clams is all I saw... lol

Cool hitchhikers! Even though they don't get terribly big, if there are enough of them that are growing it will have an impact on your parameters. Also, being non-photosynthetic filter feeders they will pull particulate out of the water. That is great as long as there is enough for them to eat.

Beyond those clams, three of those corals encrust with two of them being fairly slow encrusters. If they are frags, and not colonies, water changes will be fine for some time.
I don't run a sock so there's always some stuff floating around. I would be surprised if they last long term but for now they are all alive.

Waterchanges only is probably what I'll do but going to continue to monitor this alkalinity. I'm undecided between doing AWC or going with the triton method down the road. Long term I have zero desire to deal with manual water changes for years to come again.
2 back to back hit at 6.3 with the red sea pro tonight. We'll see what the hannah checker says tomorrow.
Well the redsea pro test is going in the garbage and I'm ordering a Hannah. @Steve Burton hit 8.3, red sea was down in the mid 6s again. Probably operator error but I really don't care what the cause was.