Time for a fan


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With the temperatures outside going up, so is the temperature inside my tank. Last week it got up to 80.5 when it was about 78 outside. I bought a small desktop clip mount fan at Target yesterday. Got it programmed up on my Apex to come on at 80.5 and go off at 77.8 (my heater is set on at 77.6 and off at 78.5). Where is the best place to mount it? I have it inside my canopy right now but was wondering if above the sump is a better place. Hopefully this can push enough air across the tank to cool it. I'm going to try to find some better PC ones when I get back in town next weekend.

I don't think it matters as long as its doing the job by hitting the water? Where is it out if your way? That's where I would put it.
I have only tried cooling fans in the canopy (not the sump), and I have had pretty good results. I installed two fans in the canopy and programed the to kick on when along with the metal halides. The fans tended to drop the temperature about 2 degrees in the summer, which was a BIG help.

My new setup does not have a canopy and I am waiting to see what the tank temps are going to look like in the summer (new setup is in the basement where it is cooler). If temps creep up into the 80's I am going to have to try using fans on the sump this time around.
I have a concern if you guys don't mind me ask, that will be aiming to keep salinity stable due the loss of water due to evaporation, I agree, fans do drop the temperature but they add a little bit of condensation, if It's not to much, considering that the fan would only jump for a little time...(let's say, 2hr/ day) Is it really something to be worry about?
I knew about installing a chiller, probably people talking about evading buying one (power cost, etc, etc) so you are saying fan blowing onto the lights won't evaporate water ?? :/

Status: quo
A fan might increase evaporation a bit. I have a full 5 gal jug and just installed my fan. I can usually get 5-6days out of it. I'll check back at the end of the week when I get home how much it used.
Got a fan over my sump, also hooked up to my apex and it gives me about 2 degree difference . I also have a fan that vent the stand so I can get some fresh air in there for the skimmer with not much more evaporation lost.
ive always wondered doesnt the sea water tempature rise and fall a few degrees with the sunrise and sunset ect so will a few degrees swing in a day really matter?
At the surface, yes. It take a lot of energy to heat that much water ;)

A big swing without control can get a little out of hand. With it getting in the upper 80's next week. I'm sure my tank will start getting up there. I like being proactive. My I think a 5degree change can be bad.
HiImSean;954048 wrote: A fan might increase evaporation a bit. I have a full 5 gal jug and just installed my fan. I can usually get 5-6days out of it. I'll check back at the end of the week when I get home how much it used.

Just got home this afternoon and it looks like it evaporated less with the fan operating. It's about half full today.

I had the fan kick on at 80.0F and turn off at 77.6F. The temperature seems to peek between 4pm-8pm then the temperature starts to rise around 10-11am. It does take about 4hrs to cool 2.5degrees though.
What's the reason for setting it so high above your heater stop point? Personally I have my fan to kick on as soon as something is heating the tank not by design. In your case I'd program 78.8, just enough above to as not turn on in regular operation. This way your fan is immediately addressing the issue and not waiting until it's critical. Furthermore if your fan us not sufficient to address whatever problem hopefully it will keep the issue contained long enough for you to find out and solve. The above used conjunction with email alerts is the key.
Not sure to tell you the truth lol. I actually need to fix my email alerts I had it set up with they're old recommended email service that is no longer working. Yahoo worked when I first set it up but not anymore, have any recommendations?