Tiny white starfish or spiders?


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I just found white dots on the sides of my tank. They are very small (can't get picture) some have legs. I just had ich on my copperband and did a fresh water dip last night and it appears to have helped. I have a 90 gal with copperband, 6 line, royal gramma, 2 clowns, 12 hermits, cleaner shrimp, serpent star, and emerald crab. Do I have another problem or are these ok.
Thanks for any help, new to salt water.
pictures to blurry to see. I can't tell if they are moving or not they just appeared.
Ohh ok they may be small feather dusters if they dont move.If they do move around then they could be amphipods or small snails or something.
Does it look like a tiny little jellyfish? I noticed some hydroids in my tank and came across this in the nano-reef.com forums.

If they are spiral shaped, they are little feather dusters I believe.

And of course the various pods.
They're just harmless lil hydroid jellyfish called Staurocladia aohuensis. They just walk around your tank surfaces eating microscopic creatures. Completely normal, and are most easily seen on the glass.
Ok now they have turned into things that look like hair or spider web strands coming off. they do not move that I can tell
Thanks for your responses
I have what looked like tiny starfish or spiders... they are apparently growing into aiptasia.