To cut or not to cut?


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Powder Springs
Like a dummy I What is playing with the light on my Radion before leaving town and forgot to put it back to the correct schedule. I burnt up most all my SPS.
I had to throw away most, but a few Arco’s base was protected by branches. The tips are gone. Should I cut them off to allow remaining base of the Arco to get some (.....low) light?
Dr Grottoli a leading researcher gave us a lecture last year on coral bleaching.  She said even after sticks expel their zoo they are still alive until you begin seeing algea growth on the spots where it is dead.  I try to always make a practice to leave coral somewhere in the tank in lower light.  I'e seen some acros, fully recover and most bit the dust.
Thank you for the amazingly quick reply! I was just about to cut and thought... I’ll just wait for someone smarter than me to confirm :)

I shall leave it alone.
Thank you
Im definately not smarter.   :) But, maybe someone else can chime in about clipping the stn area or leave it alone.
Not trying to take over the thread, but I have a very similar question.  I have a couple corals that bleached then parts began to grow algae.  I finally figured out what was going on, I think, and now the rest of the coral has good color and I believe the bleached parts are starting to regain color, albeit slowly.  Should I cut the portions with algae growth away?
My understanding is that if a coral is bleached white it is still alive.  Once algea begins to grow on the coral then that part has died.  My personal opinion is if algea is growing on a tip I would clip it off at that point.  I hope this helps.  :)
i know this is 2 weeks old, but I'll keep a branch bleached branch on if there is any sign of polyp extension and as was posted algae hasn't grown over it.
I agree. I've seen stuff come back.

What I've also seen from a recent issue with a stag, I believe it is.... It seems to be re-covering itself MUCH faster than it ever grew. I am pretty sure it's encrusting back over it's old skeleton and NOT coming back to life in those areas. I left it all alone...

It is! I'm glad I left it alone and didn't remove any of what I thought was just dead skeleton. I am still pretty sure it is/was dead skeleton but it seems to be helping the growth.
That’s a super great pic of it’s growth!!

Unfortunately after I bleached them (leaving lighting on high), I turn my lighting down and forgot to turn it back up gradually...

Couldn’t figure out why everything looked SO bad...

TONIGHT I reviewed my lighting with an omg, Deb!

OMG I stink!