So with a lot of help on the people from here plus Nano Reef, I believe I have reached the end of my cycle.
What I learned from Dr Tims is that the bacteria they use ARE inhibited (not completely stalled, but severely inhibited) with higher than 5ppm nitrite readings. So even though I had 0ppm ammonia readings, I was reading off the chart nitrites for over a week.
After a 50% water change (which seems to be proven [as proven as anything in this hobby can be] to have no true effect on the pace of a cycle), my nitrites were now in 1-2ppm range. Over the course of a couple of days it was down to 0. There was also huge debate about if testing nitrites was even necessary for a cycle, however, the baceria Dr Tims uses makes it a requirement. Live Sand played a big role in there being nitrite spikes...even though ammonia was reading zero, stuff was still being broken down, and it took added bacteria/time for them to catch up.
So I dosed ammonia again, which was converted to less than .5ppm in about 30 hours, although nitrites were now back up the 3-5ppm range. Per Dr Tim and a few others, I added a small bottle of bio spira. Overnight the nitrites were cut in half, and over a 24 hour period I am now reading 0 for both ammonia and nitrites with nitrates about 30-40ppm.
I am going to dose to 1ppm of ammonia again tonight and see where everything is in a 24 hour period. My progress seemed to have follow the chart I put an image of below, however, it would have been faster had I completed my water change earlier when I noticed nitrites were off the chart instead of waiting a week.
If on Friday I am reading 0 ammonia, I will be doing a tank cleaning/large water change and adding a small cleanup crew. I have been doing my cycle with lights off, so not much diatom bloom luckily.
My thread from NR:
huge thread on R2R with supporting research on different methods/user experience:
[IMG]http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm247/scottyreef/waterqualitycyclingnitrogencycle.jpg alt="" />
Hopefully this helps people in the future. Knowing what I know now, this is what I would recommend to someone who wanted to do Dry Rock cycle in the future.
Live Sand - Dry Roc - Big bottle of Bio Spira / Red Sea tank starter. Dose ammonia to 2 ppm and when it was <.5ppm I would dose again... until you are getting 0 readings in 24 hours. I wouldn't bother testing nitrites and this should keep you on a ~30 day cycle