top off system/dosing system help!


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So Im looking for some suggestions to a top off system Im about to create.
It will be a plastic container filled with top off water. However..since I dont have any dosing systems (except manually) I am wanting to mix my one part calcium mix into this resovoir. It will be constantly mixed with a powerhead at the bottom of it and it will exit to the sump for top off, by way of a seperate water pump that will be activated by a float switch in sump. The waterline going to the waterpump/sump will be attached to a float to keep the hose at the top of the conatiner so as not to suck up any unmixed solution.
............this is going on a 29gal tank w/25 gal sump/fuge.

Im looking for ANY and ALL suggestions or improvements or corrections to this any other Ideas about using lime water here in stead of a one part calcium additive..............please respond thanks!!

Is it ok to mix my Seachem calcium advantage? or can I use lime water instead; as limewater gives both calcium and alkalinity? Is dosing limewater in your top off it too easy top overdose, as this system is topping off 24/7? And yes I have read RC's forums with Randy, but he doesnt mention dosing in this manner......critisism please.
well...Why wouldnt my top off run 24/7...evaporations runs 24/7. the lime water, I was going to add Mr.s wedges or some kind of pickling lime...or suplements from a top end like kent or sumpthing.... not arguing with ya just trying to figure it ALL out.
yep...Im definatly runnin a aqualifter. So...Is this A good Idea,? to add additives to my top off system ?or get another dosing system? If Its a great idea for a tank my size, then got any suggestions for a two part? Im kinda numb to dosing supps. Ive just heard that pickling juice is way cheaper and does the same thing.