Total Loss/Devastation!


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So I have been working for 3 weeks almost every spare moment i have on getting this cube setup. I was plumbing the closed loop and somehow the back panel cracked in about 4 different places. I could almost cry. I had bought everything I needed and was at the point where I didnt have to spend anymore $$. This reefing thing has been fun but I have spent too much time and money on it. Look out for a new thread - I'm selling EVERYTHING! Margi take me off the Macna deal. Who knows i might get another nano cube and be done with it.
ahh man-I really hate that, Chris--that's gotta be really dissapointing (to say the least). I hope you don't get out of the hobby completely, and you're an asset to this club as well.
dam that sucks dude dont leaave though you love this hobby to much for that just leave sit down and put down the hammer youll be just fine
Chris that sucks Man. Drink a few beers and smash the **** out of the rest of the tank. Thats what I would do. :)
Actually, I wonder what it would cost to replace the one busted side? Probably wouldnt cost too much. I would donate to the cause to keep you in the hobby.
i had about the same thing happen >< i have a canister filter and one of the tubes came loose and almost all of the water was pumped out of my tank. (thank god my husband was on vacation that week and seen what happened) I had about 3-4 inches left. the rest of the water was in the carpet, and we live on the second story of an apt. i was so worried the guy that lives below us was going to get a huge water spot on his ceiling. but so far so good, some of my softies still look a little rough, but everything survived!
Zanski;118244 wrote: waisted? haha wasted


Sorry, Chris... been following your thread with great interest and anticipation of the completed project. Hope this can be seen as a set back and not as the thing that beat you.

I second Linda's sentiment. Don't let this be the straw that broke the camel's back! Since I'm new here, I don't know you, but I really do feel for you. It sucks, no doubt, but if you can get yourself past this hurdle, you'll be stronger than ever! :)
hang in there bro...its only a set back.. at least it wasnt wing to a plane or nuthin.
Time for a new back glass and more drilling. :p

why give up on something that can be easy fix?
well, thanks everyone so much for the kind words! I never thought of getting a replacement piece of glass?? Ill look into that and ill also look into an acrylic tank. Im just tired of spending money. I wish i was rich and then i wouldnt have to worry about it. James your idea did sound good also fun who knows maybe after I get wasted later ill come home and destroy it.
After going through a few disasters of my own, the only advice I have for you is the same as some of the other posts. Wait a week or so before making any big decisions. If you are still sick after a week, maybe time to try something else.