Trace elements worth dosing?


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I have an SPS dominant reefer 350 (~93g total volume) and I'd like to see some color improvement. I have decent growth and could probably improve on that as well. I'm a rather lazy reefer as I auto-dose two part with a trident, and WC once a month. I've read that with Red Sea trace colors, you can dose based on calcium usage. There is a 0 percent chance I would spend the money and time waiting on frequent ICP tests.

Those of you who dose trace elements, is it worth it? Should I go down this road?
Yes, I believe it is worth it. There are varying levels of complexity, from The Reef Moonshiners method all the way down to dumping in some product or another occasionally. I fall closer to the latter.

I think most can get away with just using three products all from Brightwell. KoralColor, Kōralle-VM & Rēplenish.
Dose at half the recommended rate, alternating between the three. Doing at least one from each per week.

With ICP tests, what do you consider frequent? Is one per quarter too much?
Yes, I believe it is worth it. There are varying levels of complexity, from The Reef Moonshiners method all the way down to dumping in some product or another occasionally. I fall closer to the latter.

I think most can get away with just using three products all from Brightwell. KoralColor, Kōralle-VM & Rēplenish.
Dose at half the recommended rate, alternating between the three. Doing at least one from each per week.

With ICP tests, what do you consider frequent? Is one per quarter too much?
I suppose i could be talked into once a quarter.

Those products seem more handsoff than a lot of the trace programs. Do you use them?
In my previous tank, never dosed any trace elements. Ran a calc reactor and 10% water changes biweekly.
Looked fine to me.
Killer tank you had! I feed heavy as well and have quite a few fish. What size was that tank and what were you running for flow/lighting?
I suppose i could be talked into once a quarter.

Those products seem more handsoff than a lot of the trace programs. Do you use them?
Yes, I use them. ICP testing once a quarter helps let you know it you're over or under dosing. I really don't see the need for doing more that. I really like the ATI ICP because it's not only the most comprehensive but you do your RO water too.

I tend to be a heavy feeder to, but it has to be within reason with the amount of coral type and mass you have. A tank that is chock full of coral can almost be fed continuously. Try that with hardly any coral mass and you're going to have lots of problems.
I have been dosing stuff that came with my tank and stuff I found in boxes of gear that I bought for trace elements. Once a week I do half the suggested dosage of SeaChem Strontium and Marine Trace. The Marine Trace is almost empty so I will have to dig in my stuff to see if I have something else to use up. I am just about to start on the Balling method so All for Reef is not something I want to try just yet though I eventually will. I have heard nothing but good things about it.

I started dosing kalkwasser last week and it has really helped stabilize my alkalinity.

What company do you all prefer for your ICP testing?
I love Kalk as it really helps with pH and it's one part for Alk & Cal. The cost being so low doesn't hurt either.

For my main ICP tests I prefer ATI as I stated above. I keep some ICP Analysis tests around if something gets off and I want a quicker turnaround.
Thanks Adam! I will check them out. I need to order some tests since I have never done one on any of my tanks.
I do not. Have great colors, but I suppose not amazing. Not sure I care about getting to "amazing"!
I'm going to give the red sea ABCD a shot since it's relatively inexpensive. I'll update this thread with the results (or lack thereof).
I personally have had decent success dosing Red Sea trace elements but I also don't do water changes so dosing is the only way to replenish for me. Some folks will swear by it and others won't. I say run a ICP test and see where ur reads are and then decide if water changes are doing it or do u need to still add some trace elements.