Hey everyone... it has happened twice in the past day or so where someone other than the seller steps in and makes a comment about the item(s) being sold.
Please be considerate of the people trying to buy/sell equipment on here. It's up to the seller what they want to ask for goods. If you don't agree with the price/demand then please refrain from making any comments. Anyone can "flip" any piece of equipment and it's not the place of the ARC to help or hurt any sale. The credibility of a seller is completely in their own hands. Please don't "start anything" just for the sake of argument.
Please be considerate of the people trying to buy/sell equipment on here. It's up to the seller what they want to ask for goods. If you don't agree with the price/demand then please refrain from making any comments. Anyone can "flip" any piece of equipment and it's not the place of the ARC to help or hurt any sale. The credibility of a seller is completely in their own hands. Please don't "start anything" just for the sake of argument.