treating black ich?


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i think my yellow tang has black ich......I just got him today he is eating and pecking at algae i dont see any discoloration he is moving and swimming just fine . What do i need to do?
My Yellow Tang Got That Also. No One Seemed To Know What It Was. I Did A Fresh Water Dip And It Cleared Up In A Day Or Two.

Mine Is Doing Great Now.

But If I Remember Right The Black Spots Are Worms. And Even If You Put All Your Fish In Qt , It Can Take 3 Months For The 'ick' To Clear Up. Hope This Helps
it may not even be black ich...i just see little tiny tiny tiny black spots on the tangs body........but no other signs of it being sick or anything
Thats Exactly How Mine Was. He Had The Little Black Spots Everywhere. He Wasnt Showing Any Signs Excpet Scratching On The Rocks
i dont have pics my camera is just got in the tank today and the only corals i have are mushroom, a ric, some gsp and a small frogspawn frag........when u say freshwater dip does that mean i have to catch him???? how am i supposed to catch him with all that rock in there.
Ya, I definatly would not have him in the tank with your other fish. He needs to be in a QT/hopital tank. Formalin or Freshwater dip will clear it up, but he should stay in QT for atleast two weeks. *More like a month if you really want to be safe).

So to recap..

Catch him
Put him in a 5 gal bucket with the dip of your choice
Put him in a QT tank
Watch him (and your other fish) for any signs of spots again for 2-4 weeks
Move back to the display tank
can i use tap water to do the fresh water dip with? i think i only have like 2 gallons of RO water on hand.........also how long do i live him in the fresh water and do u have the fresh water temp controlled or this a 30 sec. dip or like a 5 min. little swim for him.

i really know nothing about this.......
No, do not use tap water... the minerals and junk in tap even for that short period of time can be harmful!
You can read my great FW dipping instructions