Trying to Build a Frag Tank(s)


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So the only thing about the aquarium thing my wife seems to think is a good idea is for me to start growing corals myself. My idea was to start a frag tank. Not sure what the ideal setup is, and I am using stuff that I already have - so can I run my proposed setup past you guys and you tell me what you think?

I am going to have 4 ten gallon tanks set up side by side, and I figured if I painted the outside sides and bottom of them silver, it would reflect the light better. To connect each I was going to use the little u-shaped tubes that are typically parts of a hang-on overflow setup. Put eggcrate in each with suction cups holding up the eggcrate.

Only one of the tanks would have sand and a little live rock - the one at the end of the line. It would also hold about a 500 gph pump that pumps the water back to the first tank. For light, again I will use what I have - a 48 inch PC half10k/half actnic four (65w) bulb setup.

What am I missing? Should I add fish or snails or anything? Would just one tank with sand and rock do it? Do I even have the right idea with the frag tank - it is used to grow corals?

Also wondering about water - I've heard that corals like higher salinity, and higher temps, and that some corals like dirty water. Should I dump refuse water from my other aquariums into here?

l'm no expert on fragging corals or setting up frag tanks. But - I think you may decide what corals you want to cultivate first. Your lighting and filtration/water quality depend on it.

SPS - Perfect water quality + high PAR lighting for'll get the best colors.

Sounds like a fun project. If I had the room, I would love to have a frag grow-out tank setup also. With PC's, you may be better starting out with softies and many like the water a little dirtier.

Best of luck. Someone on here may have some experience here that can help.
I was definitely planning on doing softies - frogspawn, xenia, zoas and probably some mushrooms.

Another quick question: I have the reflective egg crate stuff - kind of a chrome finish. Does anyone know if the chrome paint they use for those is OK, or does it contain something that might be harmfull to the corals?
I would get a 40g breeder or something similar instead of 4 10g. How would you maintain good flow in 4 different tanks? 2 decent powerheads in a 40g vs 1 in each 10g.

however with the 4 10g idea, WC would be easy if you kept the last one empty (or the deep sand bed) and just used it to empty and refill.

Also as I learned with my 10g frag tank, its hard to keep that water clean. You'll need a plan for good filtration, or you'll have to do frequent and large waterchanges.

As far as dosing, if you are doing frequent large waterchanges, you'll not need to dose anything accept for calcium.

Higher temp yes (not sure how high though), salinity, in my experience yes higher (again I could not tell you how high), but I have been told by a few on here that it does not matter.

IMO if you do not plumb your frag tank into your main system, you are just taking on a new part time job. You have to work with it more as you'll have to do many water changes, now you have to test params on 2 tanks, keep note of where they both on and so forth. you will sell some corals you grow, but you will work for it.