Tunze knock-offs!

My fear with these is the same as the GenX line of pumps... rust. I hope they squelch that problem in their new line of GenX pumps much less in a powerhead.
I said it before, and I'll say it again, at the risk of being tattooed with the "pessimistic troublemaker" title- In this hobby, with hardware, you will get what you pay for with stock products. If you buy a porduct that costs half as much as the majority of the time tested and proved equipment out there- it will not be the same quality, value, and performance. This is just my opinion though. I will not skimp on equipment. If the cost new is too much, look used. But knock offs will come back to sting you. Mark my words.
I agree, $259 for unknown quality or $350 for known quality. I will stick with the known vendor. My hope is that competition drives Tunze's cost down... In the big picture, whats a couple hundred bucks.... ;)
As I pointed out in another thread, all that is cheap isn't crap in this hobby. I certainly know the Maxijet and Aqualifter are two that spring to mind. I will add on the Koralia (although Panda's first adopter point was made here with the voltage leaks, but Tunze had quality issues of their own with the 60?5s), Visitherm Stealth heaters, IO Salt compared to the high end brands and Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef flake food as all good low cost products. You could certainly include two part solution options into that as well. There are some high end items that aren't worth the price as well. So while I agree in principal more money equals more quality a closer look at budget equipment isn't always a bad idea.
I hear what you are saying Cameron. All I'm saying is these knock offs aren't cheap either at $259. If they were the price of a Koralia, I would consider taking a chance. It just isn't worth it to me to risk my entire system to save 25-30%, which in this case amounts to $96.
well my xwave showed up today. Will be compairing it to my 6100 this weekend with post updates
Sweet! let us know how it is and post some pics Brad
Schwaggs;112620 wrote: I hear what you are saying Cameron. All I'm saying is these knock offs aren't cheap either at $259. If they were the price of a Koralia, I would consider taking a chance. It just isn't worth it to me to risk my entire system to save 25-30%, which in this case amounts to $96.
I wasn't arguing your point as I agree with you. If the pumps where $150 they might be worth considering however. I was just broadening the discussion with Panda.
I guess I shouldve stated my stance clearer. I am not nececssarily saying cheap is bad. I am saying comparatively cheap is bad. You have mentioned some products, which I agree, are quite high quality. You can get a maxijet 1200 for like $20 or so, correct? I am saying when the "maxiJoot 1200" comes out for $3, it is going to be a P.O.S. When the "aqualaughter" pump hits the market for 50 cents, you wont find me buying it. And I am almost guaranteeing it wont be on the market long. Comparative cost and comparative quality have an absolute correlation in my opinion.
Hmmm... don't you think the Aqualifter and the MJ are cheaper versions of some other more expensive design? When they came out, I am sure people wrote them off as junk. Or are you simply stating that value products are rarely replicated cheaply and when they are they become a classic in their own time? Last question as a statement seems very reasonable, but that does mean on a rare occassion something cheaper comes down the pike worth owning... maybe not right away though. You got me on that one for sure.
Ok my xwave came in today. The pump and the driver box look good. I believe the xwave is a copy of the new 6101. The drive box is alot nicer then the old Tunze seperate driver parts , the xwave is an all in one . I havent had it in water yet sence I just got home from DC . I have compaired it to my old 6100 and this is what I have found so far the impeller and shroud are interchangeable. I cant wait to see what this will do in water. Will post pic later on.
Is it controllable the same way? Can you use a Tunze controller on it I wonder. Looking forward to the pics.
here is a pic of the driver
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Here is a pic of the xwave
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Here it is next to my 6100
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Filling up sink with water
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This is it running on the highest setting
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My tunze's are soaking in vinager as soon as they are cleaned I will compare the flow next to my 6100
Hey Brad do you know if they are controllable with the Tunze 7095? Do they have the same plugs on them?
i dont have a multi controller here , can you take a pic of the plug and post it so I can see what it looks like.
Here ya go.....This is the cable that goes from the controller to the driver on my waveboxes. Im guessing it is the same on the 7095 controller. I dont know for sure because I haven't gotten them yet.

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46bfinga;113042 wrote: Here ya go.....This is the cable that goes from the controller to the driver on my waveboxes. Im guessing it is the same on the 7095 controller.
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Yep, thats the same connector that is on the 7095 controller.
wow! it looks just like a tunze! Can't wait for the flow comparison!