Turn off skimmer for red slime remover?


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I have read many times how the red slime remover drives a skimmer crazy. Would it make sense to turn off the skimmer while treating the tank?

Thanks for reading!
Yes - turn off your skimmer or the skimmer will bubble over until it removes the medication/treatment. Then, use carbon (and maybe a small H20 change) to pull out the medication/treatment before kicking the skimmer back on.
Yea I'd turn it off for the duration of treatment , also the red slime remover I used a wile back said to run an air stone wile application of the meds , something about how it effected oxygen molecules binding an so on
Agree with what has already been said - airstone depends on the size of the tank and how much flow - if you have lots, you'll probably be OK, but in a smaller tank like a nano, an airstone is a good safety precaution.

I always recommend dosing the stuff in the morning, after the lights have been on a while. It does drop the pH (or has the potential to) a bit, and pH tends to drop at night anyway, so doing it during the daylight hours, mitigates the risk of a pH swing.

Follow the directions on the packaging to the letter. I know ChemiClean very well, having used it numerous times over the last few years. IME, it is when directions are not followed that folks have issues with losing livestock. AFAIK, all red cyano treatments have you turn off the skimmer during and post treatment.

Take your final word on procedure off the product directions.