Two tang or not two tang?


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So after at least 10 hours of research I am more confused now than before. I have a new-ish 72g bow and I would like to add a couple of tangs if possible. I really would like a blue regal and a purple but is that to much for a smaller tank? My tank is 3 months old with 150lbs of mature LR and 120lbs of mature LS. I have 8 gal trickle into a 10 gal fuge with skimmer and uv light. My baby's so far are a potter's angel at 3+" and two clowns at 2.5-3" and a 6-line wrasse at about 1.5". The only fish I intend on adding later is a pearly jaw(My other one committed suicide last week) and a mandarin. I have positioned the rock so that there is plenty of turn around room at the ends and left tons of caves for them to hide. So, is two too much? I have my eye on a 3" purp and a 2.5" regal but...
I commend you for the post - its a little tight in my opinion but if you got some smaller ones you can watch them grow and rehome or upgrade when they get too big. I would look into a larger sump and dump the trickle - the more water volume you can add to the system the better.
Yeah, tight is the right word. I didn't realize the problems with having a bow front. I use the trickle for 10+ lbs of LR and for the skimmer. I would not be able to go up too much on size if I replace it. The foot print is only 12" deep so basically, I could maybe go up to a ten gal. or maybe a custom taller set of tanks like Chris @ Fish Scales originally suggested.
Bad boys, bad boys...whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you? This has been my only chance in two months to post my Tang Police pics!:D

One you could look at would be a Kole Tang (yellow eye tang). They are among the smaller tangs available for reef aquaria, and they eat algae. I have one in each of my three reef tanks.
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@dawgdude- That was my original thought but then I noticed that everybody saying only do one on a tank that size had two or more themselves. That is what led me to the confusion part...
@Acro- Checked it out and I'll do some more research on them. I also would like to say that last mon night, I was reading your thread on tank mesh tops when the jaw fish must have read my mind cause he jumped that night.
I guess it's a matter of opinion on most of this stuff but I just don't want to make any stupid mistakes.
I guess I should mention that I like most of you have no way of staying with one tank so I do plan on moving up in a few years after I better learn the art o' reefing... maybe 300?
i had three in a 72 bow with no problems...although my purple def outgrew the tank so be prepared to upgrade
I guess the only reason I'm considering two is because I do plan on increasing my size in a year or so. If I start with small ones now then they should be better towards each other after the move, right? I am very worried about their temperament towards the other and do NOT want to have a stressful situation. I enjoy my tank a lot more with-out stress, sort off the point...
I have read many forums on this and I am not going to do what I want just because it's what I want but ultimately, the point is to be happy with my hobby. If I have smaller tangs now then later they will be bullied after the move or am I way off?
@dawgdude- Awesome, I read your other forum inputs on the subject and I really appreciate the feedback. I think I might just go with the one and use the wanting of another to persuade myself to move up to a larger tank...:yay:
just an fyi, talk to groupertherapy as well, he has larger tanks with way more than the "Max" tang load and they are all healthy and happy
While I respect your swimming space concerns the size of the tank is only one consideration. 1 6' tank may not have the same swimming area as another one due to aqua scaping and coral placement. And if we really want to be humane to the fish then leave them on the reef. But you are just in your concerns about the space. I personally rather see fat disease free fish that may be a little crowded than one tang that is paper thin full of parasites and living in their own filth.
Which brings to light the subject of over feeding, over skimming, more water changes, nutrient export all together really, testing more and qt. All have to's when pushing the limit on fish amount, health, and size. Tank size and fish size being topic, some things do boil down to and cross the limits when considering tank size vs fish size. Especially stress during/ weeks after introduction which can lead to a weakened immune system which will limit the fish to fighting off anything. Later concerns are obvious with claiming territory and overall being pissed about cramped quarters.
By the way Dave has ANYONE taken you up on the offer of your free quarantine setup and care you have offered? I haven't seen anyone post saying so which blows my mind
Smoothie;566347 wrote: Which brings to light the subject of over feeding, over skimming, more water changes, nutrient export all together really, testing more and qt. All have to's when pushing the limit on fish amount, health, and size. Tank size and fish size being topic, some things do boil down to and cross the limits when considering tank size vs fish size. Especially stress during/ weeks after introduction which can lead to a weakened immune system which will limit the fish to fighting off anything. Later concerns are obvious with claiming territory and overall being pissed about cramped quarters.
<u>By the way Dave has ANYONE taken you up on the offer of your free quarantine setup and care you have offered?</u></em> I haven't seen anyone post saying so which blows my mind

Nope none. I have a couple of friends who are in the middle of builds that want to take advantage of it after that I will shut it down.
Smoothie;566347 wrote: Which brings to light the subject of over feeding, over skimming, more water changes, nutrient export all together really, testing more and qt. All have to's when pushing the limit on fish amount, health, and size. Tank size and fish size being topic, some things do boil down to and cross the limits when considering tank size vs fish size. Especially stress during/ weeks after introduction which can lead to a weakened immune system which will limit the fish to fighting off anything. Later concerns are obvious with claiming territory and overall being pissed about cramped quarters.
By the way Dave has ANYONE taken you up on the offer of your free quarantine setup and care you have offered? I haven't seen anyone post saying so which blows my mind

Groupers QT offer thread actually inspired me to set up my own 25 gal eclipse QT/Observation tank..and a 10 gal hospital tank. I figured if someone was so adamant about it that they would set up a tank open to hundreds of ppl, The least I could do was actually QT my new arrivals...
I have to admit I have 3 in my 72. They are all on the small size. They are all quite healthy and happy but I overfeed, do weekly waterchanges religiously, overskim, and have a good established fuge. I think I have somewhere close to a year, maybe a little less, before an upgrade is mandatory.
I agree with one tang probably being best for now. The PT is aggressive so best introduced last. I am selling mine if you're interested. I just posted it and will post pictures later today... It's within the 3-4" that you're looking for and eats frozen and I have it trained to eat flakes and pellets now. GL with your decision.