Uhhh, it's snowing in my tank


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So, I used the bottom of the tub of Reef Crystals, mixed it up, let it sit for a while, added it to my tank, and apparently the salt didn't mix or something because now it's snowing, pic included.
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Check your ca and alk levels. It might be precipitating....meaning your levels might be too high.
Okay, so using my API Test kit I get: Ca: 420 and KH 9 dkh (161.1ppm KH) The calcium is at what it is usually at and my KH is lower than usual (typically is 11). Are these numbers okay?
Hmm yeah those are well within range...Did it dissolve after a few seconds, or is it still snowing?
still snowing, less though because it's going through the overflow into the filter sock and getting stuck there i think. it's all over the rock and sand bed though. everything in the tank is just chillin' out, looks fine, not shrinking or anything. guess I'll find out what's going on when I get home from work at 4am :p Wish me luck!
I guess it's possible there was a build up at the bottom of the bucket and the ca or alk levels were wayy off. When it snows in a tank its generally ca precipitating out of the water. But seeing how your levels are fine.....I don't really know.
My thought now is that maybe there just were some un-dissolve-able solids left in the bottom of the bucket? so when i let the salt sit they sank to the bottom and then when i poured it in it got stirred up and fell in. Also, just for a sanity check, you guys just pour your aged saltwater directly into the DT, right? I don't know how I would put it into my refugium...
How do you do this? My sump/fuge probably only holds 15-20 gallons of water and that's how much I'm changing (figuring 55+15 gallons so 70 total, changing 15 = ~20% of my volume). Plus, do you drain all the water you're taking out from the sump/fuge? What about my poor pods, they won't like running out of water. I guess I'm just having a hard time visualizing how not to pour water back into the DT.
don't mess with your pods!

OK, gotta go to work, but briefly, if you take the water out of your display, and slow pump it back into your sump. start your return and water will go up to display. I'm sure there might be different ways to do it. I do everything I can to encourage pods to for my pipefish.