Um... Some help please

One of my clowns seems to like the occasional snuggle with the sand (another whole topic in itself; why literally anything BUT the anemone?!?) which my yellow watchman goby seems to view as an intrusion into its territory...just saw it angrily go after the clownfish last time it was cuddling up with the sandbed. Incidentally it seems that it is now reverting back to yellow after becoming a Pale Tan Watchman Goby for a few weeks after I got it from the LFS.

For the lost frag, if it's small enough, maybe one of those gravel vacuums would work?
Ok @ ChristopherT LOL!!! I thought I had issues over in my tank-world. Your poor fella and his sand addiction lol. AND your color changing Goby. How large is your tank? Mines only 20gal. I am happy to announce I was able to rescue my zoas. Whew! I got the long tongs and they worked like a charm.
I have a biocube 29. It's incredible to see so much going on in such a small space! Imagine what having 200 gallons would be like.... Uh oh. I said it. The bug is catching... Noooooo......

No but seriously I can just sit and watch my tank and do nothing else. I've done it at other reefers' houses too, hahaha. (They're probably thinking "oh long is this guy going to be here....?) it's really cool to see other tanks. Gives you all sorts of ideas for the inevitable upgrade.
Picoreefguy;1021506 wrote: yup this is pretty common in the fish world (and sometimes in the human world too lol).............

I resemble that. :lol:

The bigger the clown, the bigger the TEETH. It's no fun when they draw blood - and they can and will, the bigger species anyway, like Clark's (meaner than Maroons IME), Tomato/Melanopus/Cinnamons.

I had a pair of A. ocellaris for 13 years, and the male was actually the meaner one, especially when he was tending eggs. Little booger got me more times than I can count.
