Uncharted Lighting territory

seth the wine guy

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I think I'm changing my lighting. Thoughts?
I'm looking to do a true MH/LED mix.
Either (2) 250w Radiums with (3) AI's
(2) 400w Radiums with (3) AI's

Reflectors are Lumen Max Elite

This is going on a 47x24x25 tank.

The alternative I'm still considering is T5's in some configuration.

Heat and electricity are not a concern. I want to grow baby grow! And look good while I'm doing it. ;)
As you know, I am no expert but, the 6 lamp T5s I have have astounded me on what they have done for my tank. I went with the Wavepoint lamps. If the high dollar lamps are an improvement of the Wavepoint you couldn't prove it by me.
If the tank is 24" deep, I would probably start with the 250 watt blubs. If you have not bought the ballasts for those lights, I would suggest going with adjustable ballasts... that way if the 250 watt lights are not producing enough growth, switching to the 400's will be easy.
i'm currently running two 250w my over my 120 48x24x24 in lumenmax elites. I'm using xm 10k's. the growth is crazy but it needed 24 3w leds just to take yellow tint away. I love the growth but heat and energy are a concern for me which is why I'm switching back to all led. but I see no reason why you wont get great results with a mh led combination. 250w mh should be more than enough. the elites are great reflectors.
if all your looking for is growth, just cram more LED's on it.

If cost is an issue then go with some 400w 10k XM's for 4-5 hours a day when your not home and use LEDs for the rest of the time.
imo, if youre going with 250w go with phoenix, 400w then radium
I use to run 2 ai's in between 2 2 bulb t-5 lights t-5's were at 60deg angle ai at 90deg it worked good til I got my diy set up running
Seth if your gona run mh and ai I would do 2 250w ware the sps or main rock structure is and the ai's to the sand bed there optics will put higher par at deeper depths then the 250w. If you are gona go 400w just run the 400 sell the ai and buy a chiller
Hey Seth... got some MH setups for sale if you're interested.

Though, I think utilzing both is overkill. You could just sell your AIs and put the fundage to better use? To each his own :D
My question is how are you planning on fitting all of that above a 4x2 tank?? I've got two lumenarc mini wides over my 120 and its kinda full... Just curious.
<span style="color: black"><span style="font-family: Verdana">Like myself I believe Seth is interested in the combination of growth under Metal Halides and the unbeatable color of LPS and Softies brought out by LED.</span></span>
<span style="color: black"><span style="font-family: Verdana"> </span></span>
<span style="color: black"><span style="font-family: Verdana">Seth, I think you had the right Idea with the Select-A-Watt ballast. While I think 250w would be ideal it sure would be beneficial to make a simple bulb change if it's not. As far as the AI's, IMO 2 would probably be just fine with regards to supplementation but in that arena you certainly have more experience than me.</span></span>

Radium lamps in 250w and 400w. Always go SE; DE lamps are for amateurs ;)
You say heat isnt a concern.... I've never seen your setup, but are you sure the substantial heat from the halides will not impact the AI units? Overheating them, etc
McPhock;754807 wrote: You say heat isnt a concern.... I've never seen your setup, but are you sure the substantial heat from the halides will not impact the AI units? Overheating them, etc

That's a good point ai has a temp range for there fixtures and mh do produce a major amount of heat from there reflecters I wonder what the heat would do to the life span of the led chips. You may nead to add extra fans too the setup
Too late with this configuration a am setting up 1 400 watt xm and two 120 watt all blue leds on my 116 cube. Firing the xm with a magnetic HQI. Want some par?
grouper therapy;754836 wrote: Too late with this configuration a am setting up 1 400 watt xm and two 120 watt all blue leds on my 116 cube. Firing the xm with a magnetic HQI. Want some par?

Are you doing just straight blue LED's or mixing it up with royal blue, UV, and blue?
JeffMuse;754484 wrote: If the tank is 24" deep, I would probably start with the 250 watt blubs. If you have not bought the ballasts for those lights, I would suggest going with adjustable ballasts... that way if the 250 watt lights are not producing enough growth, switching to the 400's will be easy.

Yep, I've had a WTB for those up

mph84;754560 wrote: My question is how are you planning on fitting all of that above a 4x2 tank?? I've got two lumenarc mini wides over my 120 and its kinda full... Just curious.
Reflectors are 15" each x2. AI's are 5.5" wide each x 3. Total 46.5"
Perfect fit over a 47" long tank.
grouper therapy;754836 wrote: Too late with this configuration a am setting up 1 400 watt xm and two 120 watt all blue leds on my 116 cube. Firing the xm with a magnetic HQI. Want some par?

Meh. All blue LED's. Your configuration is just a turbo charger thrown on the car. (Supplementation)
I'm replacing the V-6 with to Inline 6's.