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Hi all, A couple of days ago my wife and daughter came home from the North Georgia fair in Marietta and they had a goldfish. All I have at the moment to house it is a spare 10g tank. I don't have a filter or anything to put with it. So, I want to get some aeration for the time being until I can set up something more appropriate. Should I get a pump and air stone or a small powerhead? I have a spare koralia nano but I figure that will be too strong.
Can you put some substrate from an established freshwater tank in there?

That should give you a minimum of biological filtration....

I would get an air stone, and do significant daily water changes.
That's the thing about goldfish...they don't mind dirty water. I would just put a sponge filter with a good airpump in there and be done with it. If you really wanted to, you could put a small hang on filter that would provide all the filtration you'd need. I've got one here you could have for $10. Carnival goldfish can either live forever or die in a short period of time. Never had one in the middle.
Make sure you change the filter cartridge, or clean off the sponge filter, frequently. Those guys put out an amazing amount of waste for their size.

I have a 25 gallon gold fish tank. You need about 2 gallons of water per inch of fish. And trust me, those fish can grow! But all you need for the set-up is a hang-on filter. I recommend biowheel. Goldfish like cold water, so you don't really need a heater. And I don't have any aeration. Good luck!
I would just go buy a cheap HOB filter, honestly. Goldfish are messy things, and really airstones are more for aesthetics than oxygen. I respectfully disagree about them not minding dirty water; no fish enjoys nasty water that I know of.

A carnival goldfish is likely of the feeder comet variety. If he makes it past a week, he will probably do just fine. Goldfish flake food with the occasional treat of romaine lettuce, peas, orange slice, or zucchini will keep him fat and happy. Change water regularly.

These guys have a rough life before they get to you, so don't feel too bad if he doesn't make it.
When I was 10 I had 1 goldfish in a bowl and I changed part of the water every week.. no airstone.. no HOB filter... no "planted material"..

that goldfish lived for 8 months..

so, no.. you don't need anything else...
Except that goldfish can live 10 years or more if you actually give them a good environment and diet.

Then again, having a goldfish for 10 years may not be in the master plan ;-).
... mine died because my younger brother "gave it a bath" using a bar of soap...